Try to avoid duplicates, keep it interesting.

    8 months ago

    Somewhat self promoting for the first two of these items as I'm directly involved. Leaving out the more obvious ones (Linux distro etc.) as they will have been mentioned. I'll stick to some of the less known things I use.

    • What's Delicious?
      8 months ago

      Dust has completely replaced du in my every day work. Other tools also written in Rust I make use of include Bat for an upgraded experience from cat, Tokei for quickly counting and recognising codes, and several other security tools like RustScan.

      I learn about Joplin today. Thank you for sharing your list.

  • u/lukmly013 (
    8 months ago
    • Termux
      Holy hell. So much it can do. Right now I am using it to transcode MPEG2 videos to AV1. With CRF 25, Preset 5, with a 480p30 video I get 5fps in Termux on my older Snapdragon 860. Meanwhile my laptop's Ryzen 3 3200U does 2fps.
      You can run different server applications. Some are supported natively (e.g.: Tinyproxy, Privoxy, Squid HTTP proxy, apache2, nginx, navidrome, OpenSSH, TigerVNC, rsync, xorg-server, xwayland, xrdp,...) and some can run in proot (e.g.: Jellyfin, NextCloud). If you already have some web server and want it public, there's cloudflared too, so you can access it via Cloudflare tunnel.

    • RTL-SDR driver
      Allows connecting RTL-SDR on Android and starting RTL-TCP server.

    • SDR++
      The best general-purpose SDR app available on Android, GNU+Linux, Windows and MacOS.

    • KDE Connect
      Nicely connects phone with a computer. Data transfers, remote control, finding your phone, synchronizing notifications.

    • LibreTorrent
      Great client for Android.

    There's more, but those I don't use daily, or have already been mentioned.

    8 months ago

    OpenRadio is a good one if you like radio and music in general. It has radio stations from everywhere and from almost every music style.