:volcel-judge: is doing their job too well.

Please :amerikkka: start fucking more, for the economy.


  • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    What do we expect? Dating and sex have been rapidly commodified. Dating is primarily done through websites driven by profit driven algorithms (coincidentally it's much more profitable to keep you on the app than it is to actually get you to a date) and the rapid expansion of pornography, especially subscription based services, has provided an easier relief for sexual desires as well as making sex work for many other people. Put this in the context of a rapidly proletarianizing population and suddenly we return to what proletarian relationships always were - relationships of necessity. Either fleeting fits of passion to overcome the dreadful existence of toil or long term financial dependencies.

    The communists in Russia faced a similar situation after the revolution and they definitely did not do everything correctly, but alleviating the economic pressures of society, providing an accessible real world means of socializing (including ending COVID) and decommodifying romance should be goals of ours.

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Dating is primarily done through websites driven by profit driven algorithms (coincidentally it’s much more profitable to keep you on the app than it is to actually get you to a date)

      In my vision of a socialist future, we still have dating apps but they're tooled to match you with people that you will actually connect with and have the best potential to have a fulfilling relationship with.

      IMO, dating apps are good. Great for people like me who really struggled with approaching people and asking them out. It's their implementation under capitalism that sucks.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah. This is true for most technologies. In and of themselves they are neither good nor bad. The question is how they are wielded and to whose benefit.

    • Sum [any]
      3 years ago

      Dating and sex have been rapidly commodified

      Anywhere one could learn more about this? This seems like fertile ground for theory. As for the rest of the post, I must say I agree with it, especially the parts concerning pornography and society after the revolution.

      • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I don't have any specific recommendations unfortunately. It's more just an observation since dating apps have gotten pretty big in the last few years and someone is making money off of them. I've read articles about the psychological effects of Tinder and they affirmed my experience but that's about it.

        My basis comes from Kollontai though. She was a Bolshevik, so a little before dating apps became popular, but she wrote about romance and sex under capitalism and it's some interesting stuff. I'm sure there's more recent literature on the subject out there but I haven't read any of it.

        • Sum [any]
          3 years ago

          Haven't read any articles, watched a YT vid or two, the apps seems really damaging to someone's self esteem and wallet. It being one of the leading causes for the changes the cnn article talks about is unsurprising.

          :stalin-approval: thanks for the recommendation, her writings like "Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle" seem quite interesting.