here's the facts:

The Freedom Convoy protests is the brainchild of James Bauder, who heads the Canada Unity movement, which launched the protests. Bauder believes in multiple baseless conspiracy theories and “has endorsed the QAnon movement and called Covid-19 ‘the biggest political scam in history.’” Bauder is no friend of organized labor and, as Jacobin has noted, two years ago he participated in another convoy called United We Roll that “planned an anti-union protest where convoy members threatened to dismantle the picket line and run over workers.”

meanwhile in RT grifter clown world:

Freedom Convoy protestors all across the world are being brutalized by the police. Fake “socialist” Hasan Piker says this is exactly what he wants to see happening to the laborers fighting against intolerable working conditions.

imagine being more of a class traitor that a Twitch streamer, holy shit these people are worthless

How can they be fascist ie. the finance bourgeoise and their supporters, but simultaniously be petty-bourgeioise whose interests contradict those of the finance bourgeoise. Or are you using the liberal definition of fascism which is basically "stuff i don't like"?

PMC armchair scholars don't actually understand historical materialism, but they've read lots of dictionary definitions and can post incoherent AI generated gibberish on reddit all day lmao

also "fascism is anything you don't like" is literally NPC talking point #2, beyond parody!

Perhaps in words they don't say that, but in actions they certainly are on the right path by damaging the fascist Canadan state, none of the things you listed can happen under the Canadan government.

They are actively harmful to the socialist movement in Canada.

Good, seeing as the "socialist" movements in the west are 99% of the time social-fascist movements.

There you have it folks, the Marxist Leninist Reptilianists in European literally think running over striking workers is fighting "social-fascism" lmao

  • ABigguhPizzahPieh [none/use name,any]
    3 years ago

    Lol the sub is called international left but the description says “patriotic” lmao pick one buddy.

    Also let’s be fair here, which org isn’t being tailist these days ?

  • plov_mix [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Don’t all the pro-convoy arguments basically boil down in the end to aesthetics? “Smashing the bourgeois state is always socialism?”

    That’s basically all your permanently online horseshoe/RT grifter “left” is about … “Fascists are smashy, Antifa are smashy, therefore they are all the same (equally good or equally bad)”REGARDLESS of they even seek to achieve and whom they MATERIALLY represent.

    Fundamentally, these are people who do not believe in class struggle — they think they are so special as to transcend class struggle in their perspective, which is why they look down so much on the actual organizers and activists on the ground who dare to take a side in the struggle.

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      3 years ago

      Yes, its all just pure aesthetics and a refusal/inability to divorce things that individual members/sections of the working class do from the working class as a whole and its unified interests.

      If members of a class struggle, then that must by definition be class struggle, disregard any deeper analysis of the intents, goals and ultimate effects this struggle would have, it must be supported because otherwise you're not supporting the working class.

      • plov_mix [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        If members of a class struggle, then that must by definition be class struggle

        So well put. It’s almost like they don’t believe in vanguardism or organizing or anything.

        • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          This is what happens when you don't read anything BUT Marx and Lenin. Hell, even Stalin generally has better analysis than this garbage.

          • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
            3 years ago

            Lenin definitely spoke out against this kind of shit too, but patsuccs are majority streamer types or weirdo class reductionists like Maupin who just ignore shit or cherry pick Lenin.

  • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Imagine writing all that to reinforce your nazbol tendencies when all you had to do was ask one question: how does the truckers getting what they want impact capital? What do these dumbasses make of the fact that even the liberals are looking to open the country back up, with the only difference being a short time scale? If you hear it from the other side, the evil liberal Trudeau and his cronies are going to keep this going indefinitely, when that clearly isn't the case. How does that happen? Clearly by fucking astroturfing via right wing media. Both sides want capital unencumbered in its movement, it's just that one side is completely brainwashed into believing the other side doesn't want the same. For all the shit about western chauvinism and labor aristocracy, it really fucking shows that these stupid fucks can't understand for a second that if the truckers get what they want, nothing fucking changes, lmao. Capital would love it, and the global south would continue to get fucked.

    Beyond all that, even if this movement was in any way organic, all it would do is show the contradictory nature of the system. Just attaching working class to any movement doesn't mean jack shit anymore, without getting the clear aims of any such movement. Propaganda machines are much more powerful than any time in history, and we regularly see it played out when people that were once considered 'leftist' suddenly start taking up reactionary views and ending up on Fox news.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Lmao remember the "I have been cancelled" video?

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    3 years ago

    Big surprise that the CPGB-ML fanclub subreddits turn out to be reactionary in other ways.

    • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
      3 years ago

      Tailism is basically blindly placing yourself at or behind where the workers are right now in terms of consciousness, social progress etc, "we can't talk about trans people and all this culture war stuff cause that alienates the real blue collar workers" and shit like that, rather than trying to bring the working class forward through education and agitation.

      "Patriotic Socialism" is basically pure tailism in its reasoning, the idea that the working class believe in America and are generally patriotic to the "ideals" and "symbol" of America, and as such American socialists need to use patriotic signaling, wave the flag and all that, because if socialists are openly hostile to the symbols and idea of America then that will alienate the working class.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    3 years ago

    You support the trucker protest because you think they have a point.

    I support the trucker protests because they hasten the collapse of Klanada.

    We are not the same.