I get this is the silliest thing to be concerned about right now with everything going on, but it does feel like the hawks scored a point here in the market place of ideas. Trying to add any context to the shitty situation in Eastern Europe is gonna come off as Putin apologia. I feel like it used to be a bit easier to pill Libs on being anti-war by putting to the USs fuck. But now that a country the hawks hated did a thing they predicted he’d do, well…

  • Comrade_Bones [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The most infuriating thing about this is the fact that this war didn't spring up out of nowhere. Canada and the states have been throwing log after log into the war machine for the better part of a decade -- training troops in Ukraine, providing guns and ammunition to its soldiers, stoking tensions along its Eastern border. This war has been in the works by western powers for years, and Putin's invasion is just another victory for NATO and its allies, who now get to look like the victims of aggression despite being the ones stoking it for years.

    The fact that this invasion is happening at all is a victory for western imperialism, as well as Putin, who is all too happy to play his part. And once again, like every other fucking imperialist war in human history, its the innocent civilians currently getting bombed who have to deal with the fallout.

    • riley
      11 months ago

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