Dudes stop using the word rape for its shock value challenge
when talking about rhetorical language, people don't take into account violent penetration with foreign objects. As for the execution of rapists, i am sort of for it and sort of against it so whatever. Castration is just a performative net plus if you are going to release them into the public at some point idk. (I'd never recomend it in America due to false accusations against black people and of course the shit that was pulled against the wikileaks guy)
Philosophers wake up and say “damn, I really need to apply mental illness and trauma terminology to geopolitics and the economy”
CW: god damn it
All of us from countries which have to witness the sad affair of Ukraine’s rape should be aware that only a real castration prevents rape. So we should recommend that the international community carries out a castrative operation on Russia — ignoring and marginalizing them as much as possible, making it sure that afterwards, nothing else will grow of their global authority.
"Now that I've proven my point in the most obnoxious way possible, allow me to advocate for the most advantageous status quo of the American empire."
It's also just kind of hilariously incoherent. Castration doesn't prevent rape, like there are a million ways a person who was castrated could still commit rape.
holy shit Zizek, I think this does it for me. I'm now even starting to wonder if you ever made sense.
schnniiifff you dont understand, in order to understand this schniffff ideology you need to schnif imagine a woman getting raped. Trust me bro schniff just imagine it, imagine it bro schniff its vital to understand the world schniff :zizek-ok:
I did. It's a bizarre personification/metaphorization of an international conflict and it ends with a call to keep pressuring Russia further and ignoring their international interests. Basically status quo ante bellum.
Obviously this doesn't discredit the great contributions zizek has made to leftist theory and philosophy, but man this guy is a deranged grifter sometimes
lmao and you guys are the people who think the CCP is a legitimate socialist party who is using deng's theory
i don't see what we're all meant to be gawking at here? scary un-CW'd word in the title? i'm not seeing any discussion of the content of the essay.
So we should recommend that the international community carries out a castrative operation on Russia — ignoring and marginalizing them as much as possible, making it sure that afterwards, nothing else will grow of their global authority.