No better way to spend a 4 day weekend in the summer than drinking a margarita on the porch of some place called "Captain Smelly Balls Nasty Crab Bucket Shack" while listening to a terrible ZZ Tops cover band.

This is like the one good element of American Culture and it should be preserved.

Sorry the winter is getting to me a little.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    7 months ago

    Can't see why there wouldn't be. Beach Town people are regionally different but all share a Beachness in their core soul. It was the laziest settlers that just set up shop.near the Beach and generations of slack have led to all coastal regions of the earth having their own unique Beach Town Cultures. There's a certain spirit in the nauture of those who want to live near water but have no desire to go on a boat or be around places that boat use was an economically viable thing. There have been shitty Beach towns since the dawn of Man. The first settled civilization was a shitty Beach town and when it got too commercial and touristy, people left to make their own shitty Beach towns and so on. The Shitty Beach Drive exists in only some of us, but has been essential to all human development.