So I haven't touched Civ 5 since 2014. I have only been playing Civ 6 these last few years. I wanted to give Civ 5 a real indepth go again, but my question is, what are some good 'fun' mods? I know Vox Populi is a big one, but other than that, I don't know any other large mods.

Or do you think I should play the game without mods for a while to get back into it? I have only played Civ 5 for a bit over 90 hours, so I'm not hardcore into it

    7 months ago

    I still play civ 5 at least weekly with a few friends. Honestly no mods just all the Gods and Kings and BNW expansions, and whatever DLCs you get when you buy the complete game. I'm at close to 1000 hours on steam, of the group I play with I'm the lowest (one guy has like 3500 hours of Civ V, pretty wild).

    Tldr the game still really holds up. Multi-player FFA is still really annoying as people rage quit all the time. But if you get a good group to play with it is quite the game!

    • Smeagolicious [they/them]
      7 months ago

      Played a lot with friends back in the day - I swear every game saw a scramble to get dibs on Korea & Babylon before they got soft banned in my group.

      But can confirm, very fun with a group even without any mods.

        7 months ago

        We do a draft with normal exclusions so everybody gets to pick from 3 (except the banned ones). Adds a bit more variety but not as wild as random pick.

        • Comp4 [she/her]
          7 months ago

          How many players do you usally play with ? What difficulty if you play with A.I ? You arent looking for new players are you ? Mind you im probably to bad skillwise since I havent played since 2014 and Im also kinda busy with other stuff atm....

            7 months ago

            There are 4 of us. We always play on immortal with a few ai. Usually Terra map. Probably not looking for new players but maybe not wholly opposed. We usually play Friday and/or Saturday starting 9pm or so (pacific), depending on the game and whatever going until 2 or 3. So never actually finishing the game except a few times a year we'll do the same but in person LAN party style. Then we can usually start before 6pm and play until 4am or so and actually finish. My steam handle is same as lemmy if you want to join sometime.

            • Comp4 [she/her]
              7 months ago

              Yeah either way I keep it in the back of my head but I doubt I can do immortal atm since I havent played CIV 5 in 10 years. If I "really" enjoy my time with CIV5 I might contact you about civ 5. Is it cool if I add you on steam ? Will send my steam name through a direct message.

    • Comp4 [she/her]
      7 months ago

      Yeah I know most people play 4x games solo but there is great fun to be had if you can find a group of people for them.