:party-blob: :crab-party: :hexcrab-party: :duck-dance: :dancing-roach: :penguin-dance: :party-cat: :spongebob-party: :party-sicko:
:party-blob: :crab-party: :hexcrab-party: :duck-dance: :dancing-roach: :penguin-dance: :party-cat: :spongebob-party: :party-sicko:
Live by the post, die by the post
It's not assassination when you kill soldiers in a war zone. Like by definition.
McKinley was a combatant. The Colombian Exhibition was a class war zone.
Assassinating monarchs and heads of state is cool and good. If you control an army you're always an acceptable target.
"He was assassinated" sounds like a much more badass way of dying than "he was blown to pieces by a cruise missile together with 20 other dorks".