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  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I spent some time tonight in pro-Trump comment sections. It's amazing to me how really, most of this support for Trump boils down to just hatred for POCs. I know I've been talking about racism a lot on here recently but I feel like ever since the BLM protests, my eyes have been truly opened for the first time to how pervasive racism is in America. White supremacy is just in it's beginning phase of decline, and white folks are losing their minds over it. I don't see this getting better. Whether they admit it to themselves or not (most don't), most racist white folks see declining white supremacy as a matter of life or death. And they are starting to act accordingly...

    Edit: and I get that some chapos might say I'm ignoring white working class people who just aren't happy with the status quo. Ok, might be true in 2016. And no, Biden offers nothing for the working class either. But I'm talking about the active, vocal Trump supporters.

    • standardissue [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'm black and grew up in a very diverse place with few white people. Obviously, we learn about racism in America in school and are familiar with various prejudices among ethnic groups in a multicultural city but the quintessential American white supremacy was always alien to me. This kind of foaming at the mouth, deep hatred for black people was something I had to reckon with recently. It's scary.

      And as much as you can laugh at these people's stupidity, to know that someone doesn't see a full human being when they look at you still hurts. That's something white people will never truly understand.