Why yes, there is a vast world devouring monster with its tendrils encircling all of us, and it's plainly visible once you notice it, and it's everywhere. But you come off as insane when you try to tell other people about it.

Is SCP-3125 an allegory for capitalism? Shit.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    3 years ago

    What did you think of

    TCWB spoilers:


    The reveal that turning a city into a City requires the annihilation of all other versions of that city, and their inhabitants, in every parallel dimension? I remember being kind of shocked that they decided to go ahead after that- I guess the idea was to insert some moral ambiguity so it was less black and white, but since the villain had been such a clear metaphor for white supremacy in general up to that point it felt kind of weird.