Moving this from c/bloomer again since those don't seem to get many replies, and I want to hear from all of you!
How has your week been? Anything cool and exciting going on?
My best friend has a mutual friend in town this week, we went to a punk show last night. Definitely feeling it this morning, but holy shit it was great to be back in that environment again, and saw a few old acquaintances that actually lead to my Cthulhu doomnoise band getting on a punk show at a local dive next week! On top of that, getting my septum pierced today! The more work I do on my tattoo sleeve, the more I realize there are literally 0 consequences for looking the way I want to, so why not? Last but not least, getting back into recording with the band after work today, new EP coming out soon.
Phenibut taper is going well, down to 7g per day now, mentally been feeling pretty ok this week. Just a little hungover today. How are you all doing comrades?
I am an angrier person than I have ever been before in these past 2 weeks. I have to keep most media turned off because it is all sending me into an instant apoplectic burning rage and I am afraid I might die from high blood pressure caused by it.
If this war doesn't end soon I might.
Sending love and good vibes, comrade. Hope you're able to find peace :stalin-heart:
Thanks! Down from 9g a day to 7. Today hasn't been as smooth as normal, but that is probably 90% because I got hammered for the first time in a while last night and my brain's GABA system is fucked. But yeah, doc has me on baclofen to help, but its probably too low of a dose to do anything for me. Totally do not notice it doing anything for my heart palpitations.
Anyways, going to start running again myself once I get a good pair of shoes, probably next paycheck. Should be good! Been meaning to lose weight for a long time now, so if you ever need an ear, holler at me!
Oh man, yeah. The mental anxiety hasn't really kicked in yet, but I've been on it so long that it's "turned on me" as they say - even at my usual 9g's, the heart palpitations are so uncomfortable. Luckily my brain is able to go "ah its just the phenibut, here we fucking go again" and just shrug it off, but it still leaves me shakey and not feeling great. Happening as I type this, actually! The only other thing I've quit like this was a hardcore tianeptine addiction a few years ago. Did that cold turkey, and after ~7 days the restless leg syndrome stopped (which is really a bad name for that, it feels like your bones are trying to peel themselves out of your skin) I couldn't sleep through the night for almost a month.
Yeah its a super gnarly feeling, wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Except for maybe Joe Biden, he can get all the way fucked.
Thanks comrade, my dr has been good about working with me, so we'll see how far this 1g per week cutting will take me.
Glad to hear you got your tooth fixed! That's serious stuff. Good luck on making your other changes! Sending love and solidarity :soviet-heart:
It's been really fucking cold here all winter and I'm WFH so I've just been living like a hermit for the last few months. It's been pretty fucking miserable. Yesterday out of nowhere the sun came out and it got up to almost 70. Stepping outside into the warm sunshine and the fresh air that doesn't hurt my lungs was absolutely intoxicating
Do not, my friends, become addicted to sunshine. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!
Been in the same boat, comrade. Isn't it fantastic how much good a single sunny day can do for ya?
thanks for making this thread. i'm a lot of things but one good thing that happened to me is the computer speakers i've had for almost 20 years finally died and i was sad and then i checked the cord on the back of the subwoofer and it was loose so i plugged it in harder and my speakers work again :stalin-feels-good:
Oooo what sort of campaign/character you playing? I'd love to get back into DnD, but its been a few years and I can't find a good group to join.
Aw shucks, its the thought that counts! I've used Tabletop Simulator for DnD in the past with great success. Keep us posted on how the campaign unfolds!
I've gotten back in the saddle with some creative shit and seeing friends over the last week. That's great, nourishing. Today I feel like shit.
Glad you're getting back out there! Hope you feel better soon :meow-hug:
Got up early and walked my dog before doing anything else today, feel great. Started tracking calories yesterday and actually came in under my TDEE, hopefully this is the last time I start trying to lose weight.
Breakfast is a cup of grapes and a chonky water bottle, for lunch I'm planning on :bean:
Hell yeah comrade, as I mentioned somewhere else here, going to get some good running shoes next paycheck and start that again. You're definitely welcome to DM me if you ever want an accountabili-buddy. Good luck! Proud of you!
Thanks, appreciate it! And glad to hear you're back in classes!
Man. I was born into a middle class family with a house and decent enough money. If I had been born nuerotypical I'd probably be some well-off nerd betting on crypto and not suffering between undiagnosed and untreated mental health issues and minimum wage drudgery on the edge of getting evicted. I genuinely can't see it getting better, especially in this country, for people like me it only seems like it'll get worse.
It's been an exhausting week! To not disclose too much information, I'll just say there have been car issues that weren't my fault and insurance / getting a rental has been a complete disaster all week lol. It also couldn't come at worse time since I leave for a trip on Saturday... but with that said yay I'm about to be off for two weeks and going on a trip I've been looking forward to for months!! 🥳
Glad you had a good week and got to do something fun with your friend, corgi!
Thanks Kanna! Enjoy your trip, happy you got the time off! May it be restful, relaxing, and a positive experience :meow-bounce:
I'm really tired, but I've been doing too much at work. I'm getting a bicycle soon though. Haven't had one in a while and I need something physical to do. I'm also kind of going on a really tight budget because I'm expanding my home music studio, saving up for some mixers and synth modules and stuff. Some of this stuff is mind meltingly expensive, but should be worth it. I think a lot of the music I make is kind of uninteresting, but I'm trying.
A friend I have living in China who wants me to come visit, but who knows when that'll happen.
Yeah anyway things are going ok
Glad to hear you're generally doing well! I've been eyeing some running shoes, probably next paycheck I'll start getting back into that again. That's awesome on the studio! As a musician myself, you guys are the unsung heroes. Keep us posted on the progress!
Back in the gym this week after a bit of a depression wallow for the prior two weeks. Plus I'm in an indoor soccer league that started up so it's nice to have that on the calendar regularly
Also the weather is getting nicer, wish I had friends to get drunk outside with. Warm spring nights are a treasure
Had a very rough week, but saw Jujutsu Kaisen 0 in theatres with soem dear friends last night and am riding that high. About to have some free time and it's greatly needed. Need to finish my stuff today and might have something really good coming my way. SO, the week was rough but is definitely looking way better now.
That's awesome, how was the film? Glad things are looking up! :meow-bounce:
I loved it! I think it adapted the story and style of the mange very well, and only added things which actively added to the story, such as featuring characters who come up more later in the story in combat scenes. This allowed them to show off their fighting styles a little more and flesh out the kinda rushed battles from the manga. The sound track was amazing and it was great to spend some time with my friends, one of whom I hadn't gotten to see in months. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a sort of dark action anime movie, especially if they already watched Jujutsu Kaisen.
If I've literally never heard of Jujutsu Kaisen until now, is it something one can watch and enjoy?
yes. The story was written and published before Jujutsu Kaisen was made, sort of as a trial run for the longer series, so there's nothing you won't understand if you haven't watched the show. If you like fast paced, gory action with some comedy and a strong focus on character goals and motivation, you might like it.
I guess I should add, content warning for mention of sexual assault, flashbacks to bullying, child death, verbal parental abuse, and fantasy genocide. And a lot of on-screen death and blood.
I got another concussion this week, my third serious one and my second in the last year :'( I'm not doing too bad but I am starting to be afraid of being permanently dumber
Oh shit, hope you're ok! Are you able to get yourself checked out for anything serious?
My symptoms are not too bad other than just being a bit spacey I'm just like :yikes-1: :yikes-2: :yikes-3: i wish things would stop smacking my noggin thanks for saying that comrade