I've heard a lot about Chinese imperialism in Africa. Now I'm hearing about Russian imperialism... I guess the West is just innocent in that arena. :shrug-outta-hecks: .

  • Circra [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Huh. Weird. So you are telling me that a continent that has had to put up with successive waves of European invasion and imperialism leaving behind in its wake a total fucking mess of badly drawn up borders, countries either trying to restructure governments set up purely for exploitation or still suffering under puppet govts set up purely for exploitation, naked hostility from Western countries at those from Africa forced to make insanely dangerous trips for the relative safety of European countries isn't collectively bawling its eyes out at what amounts to a comparatively contained war in Europe? What is the world coming to eh? Must be those sneaky fucking russians brainwashing them.