People born after like 1996 sometimes have trouble wrapping their heads around old school FPS ladder logic, they often try pressing the use key and expect some kind of ladder climbing animation
This isn't even a zoomers suck-type of post, just an observation. But Minecraft has those sorts of ladder mechanics so you'd think they'd be more familiar to people 🤔
Doors too are pretty hard to get right
Player characters in Rockstar games with the Euphoria engine have a tendency to constantly smash into door frames
Not really - I mean it sort of depends on where you want to draw the line. Doors in games like Doom or Metroid Prime or whatever are not difficult at all, because they're more of an abstract idea of a door than a big wood slab on hinges. Even if we talk about actual doors, failures only occur in edge cases (ex - physics object lodged into a closing door) that few players will notice unless deliberately trying to create errors. It's much easier to passively notice fuckery involved in ladders and mirrors, as the jank exists at a deeper level.