People born after like 1996 sometimes have trouble wrapping their heads around old school FPS ladder logic, they often try pressing the use key and expect some kind of ladder climbing animation
This isn't even a zoomers suck-type of post, just an observation. But Minecraft has those sorts of ladder mechanics so you'd think they'd be more familiar to people 🤔
Hah, look at this guy. Whats the matter, never been stuck at the top of a ladder then accidentally jumped backwards off it to your death before?
Ladders 🤝 Mirrors
Being way harder to make functional in video games than you'd think
Prey (the 2007? one) legit surprised people by having you appear in a mirror in the very first scene. It then proceeded to have ladders, wall-walking, and portals so it was just showing off lol
Both the original and the game that came out with the same title but otherwise has nothing to do with the original were so good. I don't typically play shooters but I loved these two.
Player characters in Rockstar games with the Euphoria engine have a tendency to constantly smash into door frames
Not really - I mean it sort of depends on where you want to draw the line. Doors in games like Doom or Metroid Prime or whatever are not difficult at all, because they're more of an abstract idea of a door than a big wood slab on hinges. Even if we talk about actual doors, failures only occur in edge cases (ex - physics object lodged into a closing door) that few players will notice unless deliberately trying to create errors. It's much easier to passively notice fuckery involved in ladders and mirrors, as the jank exists at a deeper level.
glquake had working mirrors (as long as you made sure never to see a mirror in a mirror)
For being a nano-augmented agent JC Denton sure has a hard time getting down ladders, or not getting stuck on them while going down into a sewer/vent
I remember when FEAR came out and had modern first person climbing/sliding down ladders animations
Me in 2005: :matt:
The jump scare on the ladder was dope, too, that was a fun game.
FEAR beats Crysis in the mid 2000's milestone PC shooter category so hard its not even funny
FEAR definitely had the better campaign and it felt like it also had tighter shooting mechanics.
Crysis was a great spectacle, but it fell apart at the end
Everyone who played that game remembers exactly what scare you're talking about lmao
Chip Cheezum has been streaming FEAR lately and damn, I forgot how much ass it kicks
Nothing like falling through ladders and then falling through the floors and then just... falling
tbf i am not a zoomer and i really dont remember how ladders worked in half life
Walk up to it to "touch it" this creating contact, now WASD up the ladder however you see fit. At least that's how it is in csgo which was based off HL
Halo 2 too, that was the first game I ever played where the ladders worked that way, so it stands out. That said, pretty much the only place in the whole game that has ladders is in the little bunkers in that beach / warthog area when you're on earth, and there's no actual reason to even go in them really.
Interesting, I remember absolutely no ladders in Halo 2 anywhere. The devs very deliberately replaced all instances of them with grav lifts, which you can see in any remakes of Halo 1 maps
I now want to boot up MCC to check the chapter you're talking about
All of them! They specifically talked about this in some old dev diary or developer interview. Their reasons were essentially just that the ladders were clunky and janky.
(It might've also had something to do with the fact that Halo 2 was one of the earliest FPS games you could see your character's entire body looking down and floating up in front of ladders might've broken the illusion somewhat)
As for examples, well, again- all of them. Fire up MCC and check out Battle Creek (H1) versus Beaver Creek (H2). You'll find that they've designed around the removed ladders leading to the central sniper perches by replacing them with long ramps.
Does nobody else climb ladders by flailing their legs around while carrying a rifle in both hands?
or games like sonic adventure where you have to stop moving forward once you get to the ladder then hold up again when you start climbing
I miss the days when walking diagonally in games made you go faster, trying to unlock cheats in Perfect Dark was hilarious
Source engine is so interesting with shit like this. Like b hopping too. It doesn't make any logical sense and it's hard to wrap your head around it, but once you do figure it out it weirdly makes sense and it's satisfying as fuck to pull off.
In my high school Spanish class, my teacher used to give me extra credit to make up for my homework average in exchange for advice on how to beat HL2. I was a very depressed kid and it didn't take much to make me give up on a class, but that little bit of individual attention did a lot.
i mean how I remember ladders working in hl was like, it was a combo of having to hold forward direction to be on the ladder and you move up or down depending on whether you were pointed up or down. So like looking around while on the ladder was ill advised and you can easily slip off it
It's not easy to control and I remember it throwing me for a loop. Minecraft at least has the sense to make it so moving at the ladder always goes straight up while staying still would descend while you're in its proximity. Just more consistent and easy