People born after like 1996 sometimes have trouble wrapping their heads around old school FPS ladder logic, they often try pressing the use key and expect some kind of ladder climbing animation
This isn't even a zoomers suck-type of post, just an observation. But Minecraft has those sorts of ladder mechanics so you'd think they'd be more familiar to people 🤔
Interesting, I remember absolutely no ladders in Halo 2 anywhere. The devs very deliberately replaced all instances of them with grav lifts, which you can see in any remakes of Halo 1 maps
I now want to boot up MCC to check the chapter you're talking about
Why did they replace the ladders and on which remake maps?
All of them! They specifically talked about this in some old dev diary or developer interview. Their reasons were essentially just that the ladders were clunky and janky.
(It might've also had something to do with the fact that Halo 2 was one of the earliest FPS games you could see your character's entire body looking down and floating up in front of ladders might've broken the illusion somewhat)
As for examples, well, again- all of them. Fire up MCC and check out Battle Creek (H1) versus Beaver Creek (H2). You'll find that they've designed around the removed ladders leading to the central sniper perches by replacing them with long ramps.
Yeah I remember battle creek and beaver creek now you mention it. Maybe tombstone (the hang em high redo) also had ladders replaced by ramps.