People born after like 1996 sometimes have trouble wrapping their heads around old school FPS ladder logic, they often try pressing the use key and expect some kind of ladder climbing animation
This isn't even a zoomers suck-type of post, just an observation. But Minecraft has those sorts of ladder mechanics so you'd think they'd be more familiar to people 🤔
i mean how I remember ladders working in hl was like, it was a combo of having to hold forward direction to be on the ladder and you move up or down depending on whether you were pointed up or down. So like looking around while on the ladder was ill advised and you can easily slip off it
It's not easy to control and I remember it throwing me for a loop. Minecraft at least has the sense to make it so moving at the ladder always goes straight up while staying still would descend while you're in its proximity. Just more consistent and easy