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    • gayhobbes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Our electoral system is very stupid and a vote for a third party is an effort in futility. I definitely would not tell anyone they have to vote for Biden or anyone, and I sure as fuck am not going to, but I'm still gonna vote down ticket for local and state level candidates.

      I do think four more years of Trump would lead to an even larger increase of right wing violence that a Democrat president, I would fucking hope, might put down. Again I don't actually have any good answers, I just think the glee about him winning because the Democrats lose sits real bad on me.

        • gayhobbes [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Oh and fucking trust me I'm not happy with the options here so I'm straight up not voting for him, but I still don't want Trump. That's literally my position, I just don't want Trump. I don't like what that's going to mean, I don't like what that's going to engender, but it's better than what we currently got. I also think we can ram through a lot of shit through the rapidly deflating corpse of the DNC. I think electoralism is stupid but the Democrats can maybe help pull the pendulum the other way.

          I dunno. It's a bad time. I don't have a lot of faith anything good's gonna happen. But more bad can NOT happen, that'd be nice.

            • gayhobbes [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Well don't forget our stupid system is set up to discourage people from showing up to the polls. Used to be, we'd just have thugs that would beat the shit out of anyone who showed up and voted for the wrong people. Now we just close polling locations for Black people and purge them from voter rolls.

                • gayhobbes [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  We've had all kinds of fuckshittery like that. They won't talk about how Bush stole 2000, but the ballots in Florida were deliberately confusing and a lot of people voted for the wrong candidate which was biased towards making win. There's all kinds of dumb shit like that happening all the time.

                  Shit where I live, to vote in a primary you have to register 8 months before the primary.