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  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    yeah, local is always going to have a lot more impact. Shit, we could pay for a trans comrade to go through medical school and then have them be the hormone chapo doc, and set up a crowdfund for trans comrades and probably do more good than the democrats will do for trans people nationally.

    That's (another) shitty thing about Joe Biden's low enthusiasm numbers, i worry it's going to hit downballot dems that will actually make a difference too. Someone like Kshama Sawant isn't perfect but if we had one of her in each big city? Can you imagine? Or even a couple more AOCs in congress gives us rhetorical power and helps the movement grow even if they are p much always blocked from doing cool shit.

    Basically, it is each person's choice to engage in electoralism or not. For me, i don't see much positive impact esp with biden since i'm in a blue state, he's more conservative then our shitty lib mayor. Deffo voting downballot and encouraging everyone to voting downballot as well tho. A blue senate will do more than biden imo.

    • quartz242 [she/her]M
      4 years ago

      Exactly, and that's what makes me say fuck Biden even more. The intentional sabotage of the progressive wing and welcoming people who are vocally opposed to LGBT rights into their arms. Dem want to use LGBT rights as a culture war shit rather than make a substantive change, not an accelerationist but I think another 4 years of ineffectual trump followed by an even more energized progressive party that has more leverage in the party is ultimately.better but also know very well that mask mask off trump would usher in the most fucked of stuff domestically whilst a mask mask off Biden will usher in fucked stuff internationally.