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That's her function, though, right? She comes out once every couple of weeks and talks shit about something in the finance industry. Does fuck all, has no real practical plan to implement it. The media uses it as proof she's progressive. Then whenever someone who is progressive steps up, she's there to siphon attention and be part of the conversation. She's their mole and it's painfully obvious. Except she's not even a respected mole. She's not getting some big career position over this. She's a mole and a dupe. She can't even exploit the position she's in to make money.
If Bernie is the compromise then she's the compromise of the compromise.
Former speaker at the Federalist Society is not a celebrated progressive with many achievements? Butter my ass and call me a biscuit
I remember being very online in 2019-2020 and browsing gamerghazi during the Dem primaries. Sooo many remarks about how Sanders and his supporters didn't "believe women" because of Warren's charged accusation. I don't plan on being as online if they both run again.
Simply not being on reddit (plus electoral burnout over time) will avoid being drawn into that bullshit by the smug liberals.
Those nerds were also super big into the Labour antisemitism stories back when Corbyn was party leader. Sucks ass
I stopped visiting as much during that time when I started to notice a large number of the posters were from enoughsandersspam. I think there was hot debate over it and a half-hearted admittance that Biden was wrong and sexual harassment is still a widespread issue. The vitriol against him for it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the shit they gave Bernie.
He’s gonna campaign for Warren :flattened-bernie:
love 2 campaign for a member of the federalist society who was a republican until the 90s, when the democrats went full thatcher with their economic policies
if bernie does that I'll lose the little bit of (mostly sentimental) respect I still had for him
Yeah, he'll campaign for whomever the Dem candidate is. That's just who he is, unfortunately. Shame Jan 6th didn't give him any ideas.
I had a fever dream about a comic yet to be depicting Hillary punching up at a glass ceiling with a videogamesque power bar rising from "primary" to "nominee" to "President" with each year.
Now it's in your head too. :sicko-specter:
Her only enduring political legacy will be her role in splitting Bernie's vote to the delight of the DNC.
Did someone really cared about her accusations? Did her bullshit act really swayed someone away from Bernie and to Biden?
She played a much bigger role as the "progressive" spoiler in 2016 and crippled Bernie's momentum against Hillary in several key early states. By 2020, the damage was already done and the party was better prepared to mobilize for their favored candidate.
Everyone was waiting for her to endorse Bernie for the MA primary which eventually went to Hillary in an extremely tight contest. The consensus at the time was that because Warren was touted as a progressive, she would naturally support Bernie. Her refusal was a tipping point in the race.
Ah, yeah, we were all waiting on her to endorse, but can't say I agree it would've made that much of a difference in 2016. He had an uphill battle the entire time. It was totally fucked up when it came out afterwards that she spent a considerable amount of time advising the Clinton campaign, while claiming to remain neutral, but his reach outside the youth vote was always going to be a fight when he still had so little name recognition on the national stage. He would've killed it in the general though... if the Dem party rallied around him.
Sure, Sanders would probably have lost even with Warren's endorsement, but her silence was a calculated kneecapping of Bernie's momentum at a critical junction. Her favorability has suffered so much in recent years that we forget just how influential she was at the time. In hindsight, it was foolishly naive of us to assume she was a Sanders ally just because they aligned superficially on a few populist issues. And yeah, he would have slayed in the general. But alas... :flattened-bernie:
Sure they did, average libs care deeply about whatever they’re told to care about, so for about a day, it was super important to a certain, unfortunately vast, section of voters.
My brother and I got into a very indicative argument a few days after Bernie’s heart attack where he was absolutely hammering the talking point that he didn’t come out and say it early enough, and how dishonest that made sanders, yada yada. It never came up again after that day though.
please no please. getting pre Quarantine flashbacks to 2020 feels like PTSD sometimes