Abbott is already running for president. And I see extreme stances as being a norm to try to get the GOP nomination. Right now Abbott is focusing on the undocumented so Texas republicans will nod their heads and think "That's good." I think such positions required for any republican presidential hopeful in the 2024 face.
Eventually Abbott will probably "question" the need for public education and simply start pushing charter schools. I assume that not only Texas republicans will nod their heads in agreement. At best - the GOP nationwide is embracing the concept of separate but equal. At worst? Who knows how ugly things will get.
I could be entirely wrong and maybe "normal" pols like Romney have a chance - but I don't see it. The abortion ruling has normalized batshit thinking in the mind of the GOP. It's worth noting that many GOP states will have no exceptions in anti-abortion laws.
[CW: The r word and worse]
You're an 11 year-old girl raped by your father? You're having your baby. Praise God! And then daddy/grandfather will get guaranteed visitation rights too. He's a man after all.
If things continue on their way - and I have no hope they'll change - the US is headed towards horror. For brevity and clarity I edited the thread. If you want links - they are in the thread.
Roe v. Wade is based on the "right to privacy." If the majority opinion by SCOTUS suggests that the constitution does not protect the right to privacy... that affects a WHOLE lot of other decisions. Buckle up - this is the beginning of a lot of potential ugliness.
Lawrence v. Texas: Decided in 2003, the court used the Right to Privacy to determine that it's unconstitutional to punish people for committing sodomy. The Roe ruling could open the door for criminalizing homosexuality.
Griswold v. Connecticut: Decided in 1965, this case protects the ability of married couples to buy contraceptives without government restriction. This isn't just about abortion. Next up, contraceptives.
Loving v. Virginia: This 1968 case, which threw out laws banning interracial marriages, was decided based on the right to privacy. If a state wanted to prohibit who people could marry -- there is no protection from that without a right to privacy.
Stanley v Georgia: This 1969 case found that there was a right to privacy around possession pornography. If a state wants to outlaw pornography or certain forms of adult pornography, it could do that without the right to privacy.
Obergefell v. Hodges: The 2015 opinion that legalized same sex marriage used the right to privacy and the equal protection clause to do so. This could open the door for a state to try to test same sex marriage laws.
Meyer v. Nebraska: This 1923 ruling allows families to decide for themselves if they want their children to learn a language other than English. This could open the door for racist states to try to outlaw learning their family's languages.
Skinner v Oklahoma: This 1942 ruling found that it's unconstitutional to forcibly sterilize people. The Roe ruling could open the door for criminals, disabled people or BIPOC folks to be forcibly sterilized.
Okay. That's a quick overview of the judicial chaos that could occur in the aftermath of striking down Roe v Wade. All of these decisions might no longer be settled law and states could try to test them by creating laws designed to test the courts.
Abbott is already running for president. And I see extreme stances as being a norm to try to get the GOP nomination. Right now Abbott is focusing on the undocumented so Texas republicans will nod their heads and think "That's good." I think such positions required for any republican presidential hopeful in the 2024 face.
Eventually Abbott will probably "question" the need for public education and simply start pushing charter schools. I assume that not only Texas republicans will nod their heads in agreement. At best - the GOP nationwide is embracing the concept of separate but equal. At worst? Who knows how ugly things will get.
I could be entirely wrong and maybe "normal" pols like Romney have a chance - but I don't see it. The abortion ruling has normalized batshit thinking in the mind of the GOP. It's worth noting that many GOP states will have no exceptions in anti-abortion laws.
[CW: The r word and worse]
You're an 11 year-old girl raped by your father? You're having your baby. Praise God! And then daddy/grandfather will get guaranteed visitation rights too. He's a man after all.
If things continue on their way - and I have no hope they'll change - the US is headed towards horror. For brevity and clarity I edited the thread. If you want links - they are in the thread.