I have been job searching for 6 months now, and I haven't found a job yet however I might have an opportunity to work in the gambling company a friend of my parents works in.

All this time I never sent applications to gambling companies because fuck working for a company which exploits vulnerable people like that, but I am starting to get desperate and the unemployment boredom has made me depressed.

I am thinking of rejecting the offer, but I wonder, is that just moralism on my part? Would you accept it?

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I work in a grocery store and am constantly selling people alcohol and cigarettes. I learned semi-recently that a guy who would buy a bottle of Jack Daniels every day died from liver failure.

    I liked that guy. I was responsible, in part, for giving him the vice that killed him. I also wasn't. I do what I have to to survive.

    Don't become jaded, is my advice.

      • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago

        Thank you, and you're right.

        I'm not saying dry countries or those cultures that consider alcohol haram or taboo totally in the right... but he could have just gone down the street to any of the other 6 or 7 businesses here that sell hard liquor sans any limitations and continued to kill himself.

        Here, you can only buy so much cannabis legally per month. The staggering amount of alcoholics I deal with daily (many of them homeless and still buying booze!) has me thinking there should be some sort of harsher limit on alcohol sales and purchases.

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    Part of my job is selling alcohol. My best friend died of alcohol induced liver failure. I've sold a guy wine at 11am, his young kids were telling him he shouldn't but he bought 2 glasses anyway.

    I don't know what the moral of the story is, I guess we all make compromises to survive under capitalism and hope we don't lose our way.

  • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    If the job in question is pulling people into the casino, well yea thats awful and you shouldn't take it because you'll probably suck at it if youre already questioning the ethics about it. But if its not explicitly about that, there is nothing wrong with working at a casino.

  • bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    The company I work for does work with war machines for the US and its vassals. I do the amount of sabotage I think I can get away with, and when I can't, keep my head low. Even being unproductive and lazy is an option when I can. Got my coworkers and management to like me, so am less likely to be fired (and thus get replaced by someone who'd actually try to be productive). I even get good performance reviews even though I expect to get slaughtered with each meeting.

    Do what you can to undermine the workplace. Remember: if you don't take the job, someone who might actually try could instead. It is better for a Communist who might sabotage a place take the shady job instead of a dedicated Fascist.

    • Idliketothinkimsmart@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      You might not totally want the 2nd sentence you typed to stay there. Never know whose watching and reading, but that's just my neighborly and christ fearing suggestion :p

      • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        I mean, it is a job, and you have to survive under capitalism. I would also like to mention that its not like other companies are not exploiting their customers, they are just more indirect about it. At the end of the day, it is your call, however I would like to say that from where I am, so long as you do not say "this is what I will do forever" I see nothing inharently wrong with feeding yourself with this job

    7 months ago

    Take it until you find something better. Six months is a long time to be without a job. Dont get complacent.

  • lorty@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Of what I've heard from other tech people working in similar companies (crypto based or not), you'll probably not be there for long. They tend to be revolving doors for programmers, but at least you'd have money and experience to hopefully get a less shitty job.