All the grass in my lawn died but moss and some short weeds grew in so it still looks green and now I don't have to mow it, just trim the weeds on occasion. I'd like to find a way to encourage more moss to grow so it's comfy to walk on barefoot and maybe scatter some wildflower seeds to make it prettier. My place is shady and damp, so why fight nature when it will provide me a cool yard on its own?
Maybe lightly watering the moss early in the morning will help, they dont have vascular tissue so drying out can be an issue for them
People using "literally" when they mean "figuratively."
Anybody saying anything good about Brandon ever. I was screaming into the void in 2020 that he was a politician that had voted for every single piece of shitty legislation for his 40 year career, and then people are shocked when he's not some progressive queen fighting for his campaign promises. He lied! He's always lied! If anyone looked at his voting history they'd know he was lying! :monke-rage:
People using “literally” when they mean “figuratively.”
I'm a broad gentleman and it irks me to no end when I'm out buying groceries and someone bangs into me without so much as a "sorry" or "excuse me"
I live my life in mortal terror that I'll accidentally hurt someone or break something, but it's fine for people to slam a full shopping cart into my side without so much as a howdy-doo
Every person who thinks screamers/jumpscares are funny/a good prank/good horror get the wall.
What, you don't love your fight-or-flight mode activating on a dime because some talentless hack wants to pull le ebic prank?
"people" (ie. teenage boys, chuds) like to do jump-scares to me when I am walking down the street and they drive past me in their stupid car
Counterpoint: you could play games at work and if you got malware, it was your employer's problem
As someone who grew up on flash games, I agree that 80% of them are total pieces of shit but I genuinely miss the rest of them. There’s a simple charm in how the vast majority were made purely out of hobby and were the last vestige of games that were truly “difficult”. Now puzzle games (best flash genre) are mostly relegated to mobile hell or the occasional itch io gem
We need a better way to have Homestar Runner style embedded videos with hidden clickable Easter eggs
They actually ported over all Homestar Runner videos on the site to some HTML5 recreation of flash that works pretty well, so it's still possible I think
I don't like flash animation at all. Too flat, too on model, the characters look like paper dolls.
Yelling. Whether yelling at children or another adult, it is absolutely unacceptable and if you do it you should not be allowed to exist in society.
The only time yelling is acceptable is like, if someone is about to get hit by a car and don’t see it; Immediate danger where you need their attention immediately.
I hate yelling too, it makesme want to go hide under my bed
When I was 16 I was the lead in a musical at a community theater. Yelling at the people under you is absurdly common in theater, at all levels. A few days before opening night the stage manager threw a fit and yelled at the entire cast because she was mad that literal children couldn’t stay perfectly still and quiet for hours while lighting was being set up.
I said something along the lines of “You don’t get to yell at me.” or similar and started to walk out of the building. Got the director and stage manager to apologize to the whole cast for their behavior and neither yelled again for the duration of that show. One of the proudest moments of my life, as silly as that is.
'Bro' feels like it's directed at me, which I don't like, I'm not your bro. But 'bruh' feels like it's directed at some hypothetical Bro. Like a Bro in the sky, watching over us, not a part but observing the conversation.
During Q&A’s, when people have to spend five minutes telling their whole ass life story before asking a ten second question. Fuck you, shut up, I’ve got things to do and I don’t give a shit about your commentary.
political pet peeve? Right now probably the libs' insistence that protesting outside of an evil person's house is wrong. They're doing this with Kavanaugh now, but I was reminded of Colbert being aghast when protestors went to Tucker Carlson's house
It would unironically be the good, right, moral thing to do to burn down Kavanaugh’s house with him inside.
It would save so many lives. How can you be worried about "Civility" while Texas is masturbating to the idea of gassing people to death for getting an abortion. Like some sixteen year old is going to get the death penalty because the libs were so obsessed with their entirely one-sided civility and couldn't get their asses moving to stop this.
remember when rand pauls neighbor punched him in the face or whatever. idk if it did anything but it was cool
You can pick up clover seed at almost any garden/farm supply store. It's usually sold as "Pasture booster" as a mix of red & white clover seed coated in little fertilizer beads. You'll need to aerate the soil a bit and water it down daily for a week or so, but once it takes clover establishes a deep taproot and will send runners everywhere. Make sure to let it flower and go to seed and you'll have more clover than you know what to do with.
The libs favorite thought-terminating cliché and four letter word especially if it's in all caps: VOTE.
People who talk loudly and/or listen to music without headphones on public transportation. No wants to listen to your shitty music or hear about your drama with your co-worker except you, you fucking inconsiderate assholes
I agree with the music but no, I truly do want to hear about people's drama on the bus, it is the greatest entertainment to me
This is extremely specific and it makes me irrationally furious:
When people are writing they'll put a placeholder, e.g. "I went to [location] with my friends." Sometimes instead of the square brackets they'll do carrots ("we went to <location> together"). At some point the internet collectively became aware of the fact that this looks like an HTML tag. And of course, if you're a very special smart kid, you need to show off the fact that you know it looks like HTML, and in your very special smart rudimentary understanding of HTML, tags always need to be closed! So now people do this -
"We went to <location> together. It was a fantastic time. The food was great. </location>"
Oh so clever! Oh so smart! Except if you ever actually used a markup language you'd know that this means that you formed an element called "location" which contains the data "together. It was a fantastic time. The food was great." Which is very stupid and not at all how HTML works.
All people had to do was go <location /> instead. But no. We're running with this forever and I will never stop being angry.