I'm a student at a large public university. One of my classmates in my degree program is very obviously a dangerous asshole. He's a misogynistic, racist, Bible-humping, gun-toting, wealthy white boy. Wears a Hawaiian shirt to Zoom classes and calls me a "climate Nazi" in front the the professor. Spending five seconds around him is enough to see he has serious brainworms. Last year, he attempted to physically assault myself and a classmate because we're openly atheist. I alerted the university and filled a report with campus authorities. Unsurprisingly, they did nothing.

A good friend of mine alerted me today that's he bought a semiautomatic weapon. I'm really uncomfortable with this. He has a major problem with me (to the point of posting to his alt-right friends that he's going to "get" me). I am the president of a small student org on campus. He knows that. I'm concerned that he may show up to one of our meetings. Obviously, I can't get the university to do anything, and the cops would probably pin a fucking medal on him.

TL; DR- There's a pyscho alt-righter who has threatened me in the past, and I just found out he bought a semiautomatic weapon. Is there anything I can do to keep myself and the members of my club safe?

  • Bjornn42 [she/her]
    4 years ago

    That's what I figured, which is why I'm hoping for some suggestions. Should I look into self-defense or something?The university clearly doesn't care. It's a Springfield-type 1911 semiautomatic pistol. It fires .45 bullets. I know that's a small gun, but I worry that it can be easily concealed.

    • Reversi [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      People have been killed by smaller guns.

      Aside from not going to class/school or wearing a bulletproof vest at all times, you're not exactly going to be defending yourself against someone gunning for you specifically.

      Given that killing you in cold blood would mean his life would be over, I find it unlikely he'll be trying to kill you. Just keep watch, at this point.

      • Bjornn42 [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Okay. Thank you so much!! I find it's always helpful to have an outside perspective on these things. Fear is the mind-killer, after all.

        • EldritchMayo [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          With that said and his previous record of assault you should definitely at least try and get mace or something because while it does seem like outright murder is unlikely, physical assault could be very real. And having a self defence tool like that will be useful as long as he comes at you with anything other than a gun.

    • The_Decoy [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Self defense courses are never a bad idea in my opinion. However don't carry a weapon yourself without knowing and being prepared on how to use it. In an emergency situation you would likely have very little time to react or your device could be used against you. Knife, mace, etc can be very effective against a gun wielding threat. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu while tending to lean far right is a great martial art to learn if you are expecting to face off against a larger opponent. Though ideally you would be able to avoid being in a situation where you would need to defend yourself in such a way.

      There are two avenues here that I would also suggest pursuing. While we have touched on self-defense and others have suggested going to the authorities I would suggest looking into local/state laws on legal ownership of firearms. I assume your university has a strict no tolerance policy on weapons. If he brings his gun onto campus contact the university police or local police department. Learn about your state's laws on carrying firearms. Are you in a state that requires a permit to carry a firearm? Use your knowledge of these laws against him. If he makes a threat while armed in certain states that can be a much more serious offense.

      My second suggestion would be to work on your cardio. Seriously they purchased a Springfield 1911 which is a notoriously difficult handgun to shoot accurately and a small magazine capacity of only 8 rounds. You stay more than 20 feet away and that makes you a difficult target to hit. Avoid being close to this person and do your best to prevent finding yourself in a situation advantageous to them. Trust your gut instincts and leave a situation if you feel at risk. Don't be afraid to run. This person has acted in violence against you already and is now equipped to commit greater acts of violence.

        • The_Decoy [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You're welcome! Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.