Of course the PMC won't ever admit it but the lead status of their trendy repurposed commercial space turn-of-the-century condos is questionable at best. Encapuslated? Encapsulate my ass.

Lead is the Yakubian element - the imperialist Romans ran their water through it, and so did Amerikkka - but lead pipes were kept alive in the interim by the Church in the form of pipe organs - what where the pipes made of you ask? Lead!

All the way back in the 3rd-century BC the Mediterranian sexpest civilization created hydraulic pipe organs - a labor-saving invention that aerosolized lead far easier - and indeed it was the real "sacrement" all along! Put it together - lead makes dull laborers who are more likely to lash out at each other than any larger structural force, and what do churches have?

Gigantic fucking air pumps that travel through lead pipes! Naturally it's a diffuse way to expose people to lead which is why the early church demanded daily attendance - enough built up in the population that like they desired to spread their religion and lead-fucked way of thinking everywhere!

Notice lead was used in both paint and gasoline as the western world secularized? Less people were coming forth to the mayo-mindset machines in the "Church". but the the mayo must flow, so people made it even worse with the advent of the automobile - moving lead distribution devices even more poisonous than the beloved kid-fiddler keyboards!

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The classic conspiracy is flouridation of water, but lead makes a lot more sense as a societal poison introduced by the elites.