serialized manga format as before. no rough drafts left by Miura, but Kouji Mori (supervisor, Holyland mangaka, close friend of Miura) knows the entirety of the plot and they are working off of it. Miura's production studio producing it, will try to write "as not to deviate from Mr. Miura's own words."
I'm kind of concerned that 'knows the entirety of the plot' boils down to Miura telling Mori things like "and then, Guts like, meets this demon chick and she's got powers of like giant claws and turns into a monster, also his friends fight off monster tigers, and then Guts is going to win in this cool way where he like cuts the demon in half and he's all like 'grrrarrrgh' and then saves his friends and things, it'll be awesome!", and that's basically all he has to work off of for like 15 chapters worth.
That's usually how it is with these sorts of things. Hopefully the end result will be good.
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