It got deleted, so original text:

AITA for organizing a "hoe union" of girls in my college?

Ok I know this sounds silly as hell but it's seriously got some people angry with me.

I'm in a college organization that is also big on partying. It can be fun but sadly it can also be risky, most of my friends and I have had bad experiences.

And kinda as a joke I said to my friends that we should unionize. But they were 100% in on the idea. And we started a "hoe union"

We drew up a list saying we'd collectively skip or leave any party that.. - let in or was hosted by a person who had sexually harassed any of us or anyone else. - didn't let girls mix our own drinks or pick and open their own beers - was racist / homophobic / fatphobic / otherwise bigoted about who they let in or were respectful of at the party - tried to enforce a "ratio" of girls to guys - if the hosts had a reputation or pushing freshmen or inexperienced drinkers to drink heavily

And the six of us stuck to it! When we'd go to parties and shit was ... Off, we'd send a group chat message and all just leave for another party or go to someone's apartment.

And we also told other girls at the party about why we were leaving and where, and often had lots more girls leave with us. The group chat grew from us 7 to 36, pretty much every girl in our social sphere was in it or knew of it

With all of us sharing info, we all ended up going to parties that were much more chill.

It wasn't strict or anything, like if someone in the group said we were leaving, it didn't mean anyone was forced to go. But most everyone would anyway because when practically every other girl leaves..

But as quick as the chat grew, word that I'd organized it grew too. First, it was a couple guys from frats pissed that their houses were no-gos for us. I told them I don't make that decision, it's not a centralized thing

But then the school administration got involved? I was called to talk to a guidance counselor and she said that someone had reported that I was leading a group that ostracized people. She said that there was a list of people who, if they came to an event, I'd organize it so every woman left?

I said there's not any list, just a group chat where people have occasionally said that someone harassed them, or a party didn't seem safe, and then people in the group chat personally decided not to go. But I'm not like... Coordinating things, it's just the same as when one girl in a friend group is like "that guy or that frat isn't cool to drink around..." And the rest of the group naturally isn't gonna want to party with them anymore.

She said it wasn't a friend group, she was aware we'd called it a "hoe union" and had "rules"

I said that it literally is made up of friends. And there aren't any enforced "rules" it's all voluntary.

I then got frustrated and asked why she thought it was appropriate to involve herself in private conversation that happened outside of school and campus, and left.

AITA for making that group chat?

  • mao_zedonk [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Good point I scrolled past that I thought it was boilerplate stuff that's in every thread