In a thread, a few days ago, perhaps a week or two in fact, there was a discussion about helping people in natural disasters, and when I said I wouldn't help someone with a swastika, flying a confederate flag, people surprisingly called me out on that, saying they became socialists to help people, and not to cause more misery and so on. The main argument was potentially turning an enemy into a friend, but there obviously was the "moral" argument of helping your neighbour. I didn't think much of it, and went on with my life.

However, a few days later, I listened to "It could happen here", and posted about it. The podcast is basically a frightening thought experiment about the eventuality of a second american civil war, and it made me doubt a few things I took for granted. It also makes me realize I'm not even able to feel as a morally decent person anymore. I keep de-humanizing people, be it billionaires, nazis, landlords or even libs, I have grown bitter, angry and jaded towards normies, I genuinely despise a good chunk of them, and a part of me would absolutely love to see them get what they deserve.

And I hate it. I have the feeling to be wrong, that it is wrong to want people to be hanged or to get the wall, but it has almost become a reflex at this point. To make things even more complicated, the podcast reminded me of something : I could've been one of these guys. I could've become a fascist, had things gone horribly wrong, which almost did happen. It reminds me that these guys are humans, just like me. Flawed, stupid, credulous, miserable but still human. So here's the fucking question : am I wrong for thinking violence is the only solution to save ourselves from the coming horror ? What do these people deserve should we come out on top ? Am I a horrible person for hating libs and normies with my guts, even more than I hate reactionaries ?

And yes, I know I'm a fucking edgelord, but I'm honest with it; and I genuinely wish to hear your thoughts on this, because I am sure as hell that I'm not the only one having doubts on the question of mercy.

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I have been struggling with thoughts like these, especially when people here call for violence or celebrate someone getting what they had coming for them. It is super easy to slip into thinking whatever happens is justice, and to justify all kinds of horrible things in the name of the greater good, or because the people you hurt are this or that. This has already happened in history more times than you could count. Very often done by people, who think they are doing a good thing, or fighting for a good cause. Left-wing partisan death squads have existed, and people driven by left wing ideas are responsible for some horrible atrocities, and that is not always driven by someone coopting the movement for his own power trip. We like to take the moral high ground over chuds, and there is a good reason for it, but it is just as easy for people to act in exactly the same way, with the same lack of compassion, empathy and humanity. Just your explanations change. And "they would do the same to me or you" is not an explanation or an excuse.

    am I wrong for thinking violence is the only solution to save ourselves from the coming horror ?

    Probably not. I think the situation is heading in that direction more and more. But being violent in self-defense, or in defense of your community, and executing peolpe becasue they might be X or Y is a completely different thing. So, there needs to be a balance, control.

    What do these people deserve should we come out on top ?

    Which ones? Most people, the vast majority of them, just want to live their lives and live their lives. They abhor violence, and they refuse to believe the situation is as bad as it is, because they live in their own bubbles. And people can convince themselves in some pretty bad views. Billionaires - take their stuff, make sure they have no political power, and help them have a decent live. Landlords - who are we talking here? The landlord class - take their stuff, make sure to keep an eye on them and help them live a decent life. Maybe teach them coding. Some old lady that rents out a room to supplement her income - why not let her, as long as the system makes it certain she is not charging some crazy amount of money and is taking care of the room and bills and everything. Nazis - exile them. Reeducate them. Some, many maybe, cannot be reformed, but a human life is the one thing you can never, ever restore. And you cant know which ones are the reformable or what might happen down the line. Make sure they have no power, exile them, make sure they are put to good use to the community. Normies - there is a lot that goes in here. Many different people. Help them live better lives is my solution.

    Am I a horrible person for hating libs and normies with my guts, even more than I hate reactionaries ?

    Maybe just bad. I think maybe you have reasoned yourself in this position, and probably with some reason. If it helps, people in general (including me and you) are dumb and cowardly as fuck. Some moreso than others, and some cant see or know the things you have seen or known. Many of them, especially libs, do come from the perspective of geniuniely wanting to help people in the only way they can. And people in general are not perfect - some are egoistical, some do things because they think they wont be caught, some do bad things, because they simply do not think about the consequences or implications. And of course some are just psychopaths and sociopaths that couldnt care less about others. Again, the answer to me is to help all of these live better. And make sure you have systems and institutions that can deprive the "dangerous ones" of power, and that said institutions and movements cannot be coopted by these (or on the other hand, by libs, who prefer talk and slogans over action)...