That's the post. Can't wait to see the head spinning BS they pull

  • invo_rt [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Also didn’t it turn out that Covid was possibly in Italy like a month before the Wuhan outbreak?

    It depends on how far you want to D E S C E N D.

    The earliest reported cases and the declaration of the pandemic in China occurred on December 1, 2019. China was set as the origin of the pandemic for discovering it first. The US first case was January 19, 2020 and declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

    However, a NIH analysis of blood donations collected in US during Q1 2020 detected COVID antibodies in the blood dating back to early January. Accounting for the ~2 weeks it takes for COVID antibodies to be detectable, that puts the earliest case in the US around December 19, 2020. Positive cases were detected in five states: Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

    An additional govt analysis of more blood donations taken between December 13 2019 to January 17 2020 in 9 states (California, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin) showed COVID antibodies in all 9 states during that period. Factoring in the detectable antibody period of 2 weeks, you have cases in all regions of the US at least as early as the first identified case in China and almost certainly earlier unless everyone that had COVID spontaneously donated blood at the same time.

    I say all this to just point out that no one knows where the shit started...

    ... even though it was clearly Fort Detrick :sus: