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  • melon_popsicle [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I've been really searching for definitions of 'love' recently because I too wonder if I have ever 'loved' someone. All of the things you hear in media and conversation like 'when you're in love you'll know'; 'love is a decision that you have to make every day'; 'to love is to let yourself be truly known'; 'something that motivates you to be a better person' etc. etc. are all so vague and unhelpful but I guess they do work for some people in some situations.

    I've liked the definition that belle hooks uses in All About Love the best so far, "[Love is] the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth", but despite flashes of confidence when I evaluate my feelings by this definition I still have no idea what I 'truly' feel for my gf. :shrug-outta-hecks:

    Your quote is probably another to add to the list. Just something simple to make someone evaluate whether they love someone as a whole, or for the 'reasons' of 'superficial' things like money, looks, sex, etc. Which honestly are all valid reasons to love someone, but maybe not reasons enough to stay in a bad relationship.

    • MarxGuns [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      The Bell Hooks quote is kinda like a nice, succinct version of the last three paraphrases you listed, I think, and I agree is probably the best of anything I've heard. 'when you're in love you'll know' is more like the Disney princess love idea which, as far as i know, doesn't exist outside of infatuations (which are ephemeral).