Death to America, Death to Israel
"You see, we're trying to deliver so much aid that we ran out of parachutes!"
"So, using our incredible American innovation, we decided, y'know with all that food we're dropping, people are going to need cutlery."
"So we looked into it, and our case history indicated 100% survivability of using forks, knives, and spoons as a parachute. We even packed an honest-to-God anvil, I don't understand why, but they claimed it was necessary and we always Follow The Science!"
(Damn, I typed this with the assumption I could find a compilation video of this gag. Well I couldn't, so use your imagination, and hate youtube/WB a little more for making fun difficult)
I'm reminded of that video of the American planes fleeing Afghanistan so fast that refugees who helped them were falling off the wheels.
Biden/Harris 2024 - The Lesser Evil
The food is a decade past its use-by, so I wonder how old the parachutes are
How big are these aid packages that they can squash 5 people? I'm assuming what happened was that the package collapsed a roof or something, killing 5 people.
Apparently some of the straps broke and sent heavy boxes scatter shotting the area. I imagine even a relatively light package in free fall can snap someone's neck.
looks like about the size of a large car, must have dropped it straight over a big crowd
This happened obviously. But the cynic in me says it's prevalence in US/NATO media is because it's s nice way to skew the SEO away from the fact that Israel has been using aid as bait to commit more massacres.