All you libs failed to realize this. Read more theory

  • Soap_Owl [any]
    3 years ago

    Thats the joke. The coflict was always bullshit and for the majority of the universe the outcome was always up to fate. I think very satisfyingly like real life. Not artistically satisfying so the gamers hated it. How cool would it have been if they stuck to their guns and had the reapers kill shepard and the humans. Just hundreds of hours and the universe is bigger than you the end. The gamers would have literally rioted if they couldn't be the specialist boys saving everything.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      3 years ago

      while I appreciate the bathos of just losing no matter what you do it's not very upbeat and maybe video games aren't the best medium to tell a story like that as an accepted paradigm of the medium is that if you play the game well you should be able to get the ending you want.