"As a fellow survivor, I forgot that what binds us is our shared trauma. But for most of America, Donald Trump was that trauma..."

  • Perplexiglass [they/them]
    4 years ago

    "I was okay with the protests until they turned into riots. The looters and antifa represent the new fringe Left. Bernie promised them everything for free, so of course his cult of followers took that mindset to the streets!"

    • PresterJohnBrown [any]
      4 years ago

      The left will never not be blamed, so we need to get this idea that mainstream political commentary farms like CNN will ever be fair to the left out of our heads, it's an unproductive fantasy.

      We must be aware of these outlets and work to give them as little ammunition against the left as possible, but we cannot get distracted by whatever appeals to decorum they might make while people fight for their right to not be murdered in their house in the middle of the night by a police officer.