"As a fellow survivor, I forgot that what binds us is our shared trauma. But for most of America, Donald Trump was that trauma..."

  • asaharyev [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I agree with all of this. But I think it's a toss-up. I think 2016 was also basically a toss-up.

    With mail-in ballots, anything could happen. We could "oops" lose hundreds of thousands (or millions) of votes, or they could get counted in key states and actually expand ballot access. This one is so wide open I'd feel foolish trying to predict it.

    I have a sinking feeling that Biden will somehow win and take a harsh law and order stance, potentially giving police even more resources to round up protesters, but now the libs accept it because it's a fucking Dem doing it instead of the nasty orange man.

      • htz [she/her]
        4 years ago

        I live in Florida and the enthusiasm gap is real.

        So do I and I see Biden signs and bumper stickers all the time, far more than I ever saw for Hillary. Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything. Trump will still probably win Florida, I'm just saying that the number of signs you see doesn't mean shit.

        There's someone in my neighborhood with an Israeli flag, a Trump Pence 2020 yard sign, and a Black Lives Matter banner. Most Americans have pudding for brains.

          • htz [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Less than an hour from Orlando. Suburban area.

            • niall [any]
              4 years ago

              You should check out Tribune of the People, they do work in Orlando