• YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH@infosec.pub
    6 months ago

    We did this with all sorts of fucking Nazis. We were far too kind and should have hung a fuck of a lot more of them.

    Same thing goes for the fucking slavers after their failed rebellion.

    • huf [he/him]
      6 months ago

      well, they only did an oopsie i joined the nazi party by accident and took part in genocide oops. it's not like they were commies or something really bad.

    • huf [he/him]
      6 months ago

      yeah, the soviet's problem with the nazis was that nazis wanted to kill them all and they were of the opinion that that would hurt.

      the US's problem with the nazis was that they challenged anglo hegemony. not quite as big a difference of opinion. no wonder they rehabilitated the nazis.

    • PatMustard@feddit.uk
      6 months ago

      Actual quote from Von Braun:

      The rocket worked perfectly except for landing on the wrong planet

      Yeah he built the V2s, but it does generally seem like he was happier when he could use his talents for good rather than evil.

      • huf [he/him]
        6 months ago

        he was happy enough to use slave labor to build his death machines.

        the attacks from V-2s resulted in the deaths of an estimated 9,000 civilians and military personnel, while a further 12,000 laborers and concentration camp prisoners died as a result of their forced participation in the production of the weapons.

        incredible man, truly.

        • PatMustard@feddit.uk
          6 months ago

          I didn't know about that bit, just had a read up on his wiki page under the "slave labour" section.

          Von Braun later stated that he was aware of the treatment of prisoners, but felt helpless to change the situation. When asked if von Braun could have protested against the brutal treatment of the slave laborers, von Braun team member Konrad Dannenberg (a member of the Nazi party since 1932) told The Huntsville Times: "If he had done it, in my opinion, he would have been shot on the spot."

          Fucked up situation to be in. I'm sure we all think we'd do the right thing but I imagine having your life on the line affects what you do quite a lot. Like all historical figures, not all black and white.

          • huf [he/him]
            6 months ago

            that's what they all claimed after the war, that they would've been shot if they'd complained.

            almost certainly a lie. at least, some wehrmacht soldiers complained that they did not enjoy having to massacre villagers on the eastern front and would rather not do it. they were not shot. they were not demoted.

            some commanders on the eastern front complained that their soldiers are constantly drunk to deal with having to massacre villagers. they were not shot. they were not demoted.

            also, nobody forced von braun to build rockets for nazis. he chose quite deliberately to serve the death machine. fuck him and his self-serving lies.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Soviets: "We will choose Korolev's design even though it is less effective because it is politically unacceptable to base our space program on a Nazi design."

    America: "Yoooo, Herr SS-Sturmbannführer you're up! Do your thing! What's a little slave labor between friends eh?"

  • turkishdelight@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    It's not just the scientists. Check out Erich von Manstein. NATO commanders routinely attended the birthdays of this Wehrmacht general, and behind the scenes he was the unofficial commander of the WestGerman military for years.

    • huf [he/him]
      6 months ago

      some of those nato commanders were former nazi colleagues of manstein, so this should not surprise anyone...

  • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
    6 months ago

    A lot of those nazi scientists were defectors and saboteurs, for example Walter Dornberger, a Nazi General, was directly implicated in a plot to assassinate Hitler with a bomb briefcase referred to as "Operation Valkyrie", but sadly only managed to singe his pants and rupture his eardrum.

    Some of these men were good people, directly opposed to the evil that gripped Germany.

    That aside, though, the list of names of Nazi recruitments from Operation Paperclip is very long, and I'm sure many of them were very bad people.

    • huf [he/him]
      6 months ago

      lol what, dude was a nazi who used slaves to make rockets and then avoided punishment after the war.

      the july 20 plot against hitler wasnt done by antifascists, it was done by dedicated fascists who thought hitler was incompetent, and they should be the ones to run the genocidal war.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        6 months ago

        If they were really "good people" they would have done something against the Nazis in the decade leading up to 1944 when the war was already conclusively lost.

        The real good people died in their thousands in concentration camps long before 1944. Only a few, like Schindler and Rabe were fortunate enough to survive the war.

      • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
        6 months ago

        I think you might be confusing Dornberger with Von Braun.

        Dornberger was supportive of the rocketry program in Germany and was closely associated with Von Braun but I haven't heard of him directly overseeing the transfer of skilled workers from concentration camps or prisons, as I have heard of Von Braun and Arthur Rudolph. Instead, most of the records of Dornberger detail his politics in the Wehrmacht and claims that he was sabotaging the war efforts.

        EDIT: I've found something, Dornberger signed a meeting protocol on August 4, 1943 that acknowledged there were forced laborers on sites. “The ratio of German workers to concentration camp prisoners should be 1:15, at the most 1:10“ despite him denying the claim during his trials in 1969.

        • huf [he/him]
          6 months ago

          ??? he was von braun's superior at the slave facility where they developed the v2

          but sure he had nothing to do with it...

            • huf [he/him]
              6 months ago

              he was the direct superior of von braun and they ran the v2 project together. he was also in charge of other projects at the same facility.

              why are you trying to make out that he wasnt a nazi? why are you carrying water for nazis?

                • huf [he/him]
                  6 months ago

                  "im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

                  next time you think about trying to present actual fucking loyal nazis as good people, just dont.

                  • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
                    6 months ago

                    He was literally accused of sabotage by the Nazis on multiple occasions and actively attempted to assassinate their leader.

                    • huf [he/him]
                      6 months ago

                      again, i've explained this. the plot to assassinate hitler was not an antifascist plot. it was a fascist plot by fascists to gain control of the war machine because they believed they could run the war better than hitler.

                      and show me where he "actively attempted to assassinate" hitler. you probably think rommel was a secret defector too, or some shit.

                      • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
                        6 months ago

                        because they believed they could run the war better than hitler.

                        Dornberger was literally accused of running the war poorly on purpose multiple times, tha fuq?

                        • huf [he/him]
                          6 months ago

                          so you cant show me when he actively tried to assassinate hitler then. got it.

                          can you show me some info about him being accused of sabotage? i'd like to read more.

                            • huf [he/him]
                              6 months ago

                              so you've got nothing. just lies. cool.

                                • huf [he/him]
                                  6 months ago

                                  that's just you asserting stuff. please find me sources on this if you want to be taken seriously.

                                  • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
                                    6 months ago

                                    lmao, even if I sent you articles it would still be your job to vet the information regardless. You have names of people and plots. Search them. You want dates, too? 13 March 1943, July 20th 1944.

                                    You've done absolutely nothing but sit here and insult me while providing no argument for your stance, the very definition of Ad Hominem Fallacy and bad faith discussion.

                                    • huf [he/him]
                                      6 months ago

                                      yes, those are two assassination attempts on hitler. i've not been able to find anything online that links dornberger to this. why are you concealing your sources, i'd love to read more about this.

                                      • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
                                        6 months ago

                                        I've not concealed anything, I've shared far more than you have. Dornberger was implicated in the plot by the Nazis which led to his immediate replacement by Kammler in overseeing the rocketry program. While not officially a part of the anti-nazi resistance, he has been photographed with several members of it including happily shaking hands with Erich Fellgiebel.

                                        If he wasn't a part of the plot, then why did they replace him?

                                        • huf [he/him]
                                          6 months ago

                                          wait a tick, was he even arrested by the nazis? or are you really basing this on a photograph and the fact that he was replaced at the peenemunde facility around the time of the march assassination attempt?

                                          edit: no, sorry, none of this makes sense.

                                          according to you, the timeline is this:

                                          13 March 1943 - attempt on hitler
                                          March 1944 - dornberger is replaced
                                          20 July 1944 - another attempt on hitler

                                          and you're saying that he was replaced because he was implicated in the plot? and they waited a whole year? or they could see into the future?

                                            • huf [he/him]
                                              6 months ago

                                              ah, sorry, yes.

                                              so the timeline becomes:

                                              13 March 1943 - attempt on hitler
                                              March 1944 - himmler convinced hitler to hand the v2 project over to the SS
                                              20 July 1944 - another attempt on hitler
                                              aug 8 1944 - dornberger is replaced

                                              but it goes on:

                                              December 1944, Dornberger was given complete authority for anti-aircraft rocket development
                                              In February 1945, Dornberger and staff relocated his headquarters from Schwedt-an-der-Oder to Bad Sachsa,

                                              so the project was already slated to be handed over to the SS and then dornberger was implicated in the plot but was not arrested, not imprisoned, not killed, just replaced, but he still got to be an officer and had staff and was in charge of developing rockets in some other project.

                                              okay. help me make it make sense.

                                        • huf [he/him]
                                          6 months ago

                                          so your evidence is that he at least kinda knew some of the july 20 plotters and that he was replaced during the general SS takeover of everything after the plot.

                                          tell me, was goring also implicated in the plot then? because:

                                          In March 1945, Hitler stripped Göring of his powers over aircraft support, maintenance and supply, and transferred these duties to Kammler.

                                          why isnt he listed among the july 20 plotters on any list then? why isnt goring?

                                          also, once again, even if he was in on the plot, that doesnt mean he wasnt a fascist.

                                          • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
                                            6 months ago

                                            Kammler was assigned to oversee the V-2 Program on August 8th 1944, not March 1995. Kammler had previously overseen the V-3 programn in 1943 maybe earlier, and previously wanted to move the entire rocketry project from Dornberger's and Von Braun's post at Peenemunde to an underground facility at Mittelwerk, which ironically would have saved the nazi's from losing the entire operation as keeping Peenemunde operational led to leaked intel to Polish intelligience and subsequent bombings by USA and Soviet troops, and finally a soviet invasion in May 1945 at which point most of the facility was in pieces.

                                            I tell you what, if Kammler were recruited by Operation Paperclip I certainly wouldn't defend that fucker. According to a former OSS Operative Donald W. Richardson, he says Hans Kammler was supposedly "interned at a place of maximum security, with no hope, no mercy and without seeing the light of day until he hanged himself".

                        • gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                          6 months ago

                          Pro tip:

                          If you don't wanna look like a Nazi sympathizer don't try to make the guy who definitely knew about slave labor building rockets as a good person.

                          If you DO want to look like one (as you appear to be trying hard for): well, at least you're making it easy to spot a Nazi?