no I got fat (again)
turns out not leaving the house for a year and a half, combined with lots stress eating, is not a great way to maintain weight loss
i'm super fat now but i am in fact still cute and some might even call me a heckin chonker :soviet-huff:
i got less extremely muscular
and more androgynous
if that countsI got more muscular and less androgynous since my hair grew out a bit
i grew my hair out which makes me look like either an unkempt weirdo or a boy prince depending on whether i've brushed it or not
started questioning my gender too late to explore in the safety of COVID quarantine, but just in time to do it for monkeypox lockdown :trans-sad:
I’ve actually put on a lot of weight :sadness: I grew my hair out and keep it in a bun now though and I like that better than my pre-pandemic short hair
I grew my beard out since im to lazy to shave. At least a beard fits my nerd persona.
Long periods of not seeing anyone makes everyone seem cuter.
But also yes.