Mine are any that deal with the US government /American life that imply a hidden undercurrent of demonic or eldritch influence animating everything, examples include SCP-2736, SCP-1981, SCP-4444 and SCP-6250
Control goes sooo hard. I feel like the main story underdelivered and felt a little flat, but the general world building with the SCPs and all of the side content revolving around them was 10/10
I love CONTROL but I feel like the "SCPs" were one of the weakest elements. Unless I missed it, there didn't seem to be much of a correlation between the objects of power and their effects. "Evil" forces just attach to whatever object is nearby. But for me, a vending machine that dispenses any liquid you type into it is a lot more interesting than a vending machine that kinda vibrates and causes space-time anomalies. I also thought the documents with descriptions of the objects needed some work. The stuff you find in the real SCP wiki is way better. My biggest nitpick is that most of the time the creative redactions didn't make any sense. A word would be redacted but another seemingly-more-sensitive bit of info would remain unredacted. It was often trivial to figure out the redacted word or phrase from the context, and I remember at least one document where the first instance of a word was redacted while the other instances were not. Perhaps this is intentional and meant to show that the FBC is doing sloppy work, but if I'm being honest it looks more like someone at Remedy needed to get them all written in a crunch and kind of half-assed it. If you're going to black out part of a document it should send my mind reeling with the possibilities of what might be hidden there. It shouldn't be so obvious that my brain can fill in the blank without even trying.
I haven't read any SCP so i'll just say Control.
I should read SCP, but you should also play Control. It's good
Control goes sooo hard. I feel like the main story underdelivered and felt a little flat, but the general world building with the SCPs and all of the side content revolving around them was 10/10
I love CONTROL but I feel like the "SCPs" were one of the weakest elements. Unless I missed it, there didn't seem to be much of a correlation between the objects of power and their effects. "Evil" forces just attach to whatever object is nearby. But for me, a vending machine that dispenses any liquid you type into it is a lot more interesting than a vending machine that kinda vibrates and causes space-time anomalies. I also thought the documents with descriptions of the objects needed some work. The stuff you find in the real SCP wiki is way better. My biggest nitpick is that most of the time the creative redactions didn't make any sense. A word would be redacted but another seemingly-more-sensitive bit of info would remain unredacted. It was often trivial to figure out the redacted word or phrase from the context, and I remember at least one document where the first instance of a word was redacted while the other instances were not. Perhaps this is intentional and meant to show that the FBC is doing sloppy work, but if I'm being honest it looks more like someone at Remedy needed to get them all written in a crunch and kind of half-assed it. If you're going to black out part of a document it should send my mind reeling with the possibilities of what might be hidden there. It shouldn't be so obvious that my brain can fill in the blank without even trying.