There was one about a little kid that had been turned into a parrot that actually made me cry the first time I read it
As SCP-1192 is unable to manipulate objects with enough coordination to play with the video games it requested and it shows little interest in the other toys we have offered it, it has taken to scribbling and making crude drawings with the materials we have provided. A list of notable materials are as follows: Several pages of unrelated words, presumed to be writing practice. Several pages of crude drawings, including race cars, airplanes and fictional animals and monsters. A single page with the words "wy am I a bird" [sic] as well as several more indecipherable sentences. A drawing of what appears to be a small child holding the hands of two adults. The child is scratched out and the paper is ripped. The reverse side of the page has the words "i wan my mom" [sic]. A single page with 126 instances of the word "mom" and 76 instances of the word "home".
:cri: :cri: :cri:
SCP-093 - Red Sea Object is probably my favorite of the "classic" (original 1000 series) SCPs. Does a great job building up a sense of dread and mystery in a place where something's clearly gone terribly wrong.
SCP-1719 - The Harrison-Grey Effect is a good example of an SCP that's just fucking weird, and nobody knows how or why.
SCP-2740 - It Wasn't There Best work of surreal horror on the site IMO.
SCP-4054 - The Seventh Door is a short and simple one that works as a straightforward "haunted video game" piece but has a deeper narrative if you can piece together the clues.
SCP-6002 - All Creatures Great And Small is a postcolonial piece that both presents a scary-ass scenario and works as a good character piece.Everyone who replied with something other than SCP-1006 is a revisionist and will be immediately sent for reeducation.
I haven't read any SCP so i'll just say Control.
I should read SCP, but you should also play Control. It's good
Control goes sooo hard. I feel like the main story underdelivered and felt a little flat, but the general world building with the SCPs and all of the side content revolving around them was 10/10
I love CONTROL but I feel like the "SCPs" were one of the weakest elements. Unless I missed it, there didn't seem to be much of a correlation between the objects of power and their effects. "Evil" forces just attach to whatever object is nearby. But for me, a vending machine that dispenses any liquid you type into it is a lot more interesting than a vending machine that kinda vibrates and causes space-time anomalies. I also thought the documents with descriptions of the objects needed some work. The stuff you find in the real SCP wiki is way better. My biggest nitpick is that most of the time the creative redactions didn't make any sense. A word would be redacted but another seemingly-more-sensitive bit of info would remain unredacted. It was often trivial to figure out the redacted word or phrase from the context, and I remember at least one document where the first instance of a word was redacted while the other instances were not. Perhaps this is intentional and meant to show that the FBC is doing sloppy work, but if I'm being honest it looks more like someone at Remedy needed to get them all written in a crunch and kind of half-assed it. If you're going to black out part of a document it should send my mind reeling with the possibilities of what might be hidden there. It shouldn't be so obvious that my brain can fill in the blank without even trying.
I like the Tothbrush. It's technically ludicrously powerful but you can just tape it in a box and it's fine.
i like the one where an alien ghost attaches itself go Al Gore's head and influences him to run in the 2000 election, and george bush is a Foundation body double set up to prevent the alien ghost from becoming president.
There's a sequel where they try to run Trump to stop a demon from emerging but every move they try to swing the election is already done by someone else ahead of them, by pure random chance time and time again. Features RBG as a mad wizard.
The finale of the whole website.
I don't know what I just read, but I feel like I was rude to read it
I like 4776. Even though the foundation are still the technofascists it's enjoyable to watch them get one over :amerikkka: . Something I read more recently is Apotheosis of the Rat, by UraniumEmpire. I usually find speculative fiction that have stories that are like "oh this real life Thing is actually paranormal" to undermine the actions and agency of the people involved (there's a 'General Winter' skip that's the '''''Real Reason''''' the USSR won the second world war for instance, which fundamentally erases the bloody sacrifice that millions of soviet citizens took in order to defeat the Nazis). I suspect that 'Apotheosis of the Rat' works because it works with the flow of history rather than against it, I guess, with what happens in the tale.
Ofc, I tangent into politics, but this is the site for it. Now that I think about it, another skip that I think works very well politically, despite walking in a landmine, is SCP-1851-EX. My only problem with it is the note from O5-9 near the end. It feels like the author writing in "DON'T WORRY THE FOUNDATION IS GOOD EVEN THOUGH THESE GUYS WERE BAD." I may well write an effortpost on SCP-6500 'Inevitable' and the canon it spawned, No Return, as the height of liberal fantasy (this is... an affectionate description, I note). The wholeass premise for the Vanguard is 'the fascists realized they were actually making things worse (apparently they didnt know), and instead of just doubling down they instead turn around and reform themselves into something good. I'm not sure how much of 6500 was the authors consciously saying "God I wish this would happen in real life" vs general cultural trend vs unspoken desire. My knowledge of the authors tends me to the latter end of that spectrum.
Anyways, the rapid fire 'my favorite skips' are
SCP-5656 - DEEPWATER DOWNWELL by Pedantique. If you start nodding off with the initial technobabble (summary: 'the foundation has magical tracking satellites so they can know where you are at any given moment) you can just skip to the 'addenda,' where the author is able to integrate their FUCKING INCREDIBLE PROSE OH MY GOD ITS SO FUCKING GOOD PLEASE READ THIS
Recently finished is the tale series Speed Demon. Excellently written.
In the distance, a single silver railway cuts through the steel earth. On it, a chrome machine cuts a bullet-like silhouette against the orange sky at hundreds of kilometers per hour. It's the lovechild of a Rolls-Royce and a fighter jet designed by someone with a hard-on for Julius Caesar.
SCP-5251 - Flax by Croquembouche. I'm a sucker for well-written format screws and good linguistic fuckery. This one had me doing the crossword puzzle to figure out what we're missing.
SCP-3768 - Three Moons Public Radio. Here's some comedy in the,,, very Unique GOI, the ☽☽☽ Initiative. Call me a lib, but frankly I'm happy to pledge my loyalty to JALAKÅRA of the Impenetrable, host and benefactor to mankind, any day of the week. (This comment is already super long, but here's a Three Moons related thing that I think reckons with the legacy of colonialism in a interesting way. Make sure to open the collapsible after you finish reading the final tab. Check out SCP-6944 after reading, if you're interested.
I usually find speculative fiction that have stories that are like “oh this real life Thing is actually paranormal” to undermine the actions and agency of the people involved (there’s a ‘General Winter’ skip that’s the ‘’‘’‘Real Reason’‘’‘’ the USSR won the second world war for instance, which fundamentally erases the bloody sacrifice that millions of soviet citizens took in order to defeat the Nazis).
Remember the SCP that's the reason why North Korea is bad
Peak lib brain
Lol, that one's so awful I'd forgotten it even existed to talk about it as an example. "Um actually sweaty North Korea is bad because the foundation needed somewhere to put their big mind control rock." It's 1427 if you wanna torture yourself, but I don't really see why you should. Pros and cons of collaborative writing site, you're going to have some absolutely awful bullshit get posted.
Post-meal edit: I will note that the SCP Wiki has had an ideological shift away from those kinds of stories. Again I'm not settled on the causes, but frankly Story #1798364597836 where the Foundation is Super Cool People and the Communist Russians are evil etc etc gets pretty dull. I'm not sure if it's 'the authors are getting better politically' or just 'standards are rising over time' but there's definetly a trend. I think the SCP Wiki is still full with shittons of great stories, and new ones get posted all the time.
Even though the foundation are still the technofascists it’s enjoyable to watch them get one over the Foundation.
I don't know shit about SCPs but hands down it has to be the Florida suburb