• Maoo [none/use name]
    6 个月前

    I'm not aware of anyone here that says Trump was "good" on foreign policy. The critique is that he's a substantially less effective steward of the imperial machine and even does accidental propaganda work against it.

      • Maoo [none/use name]
        6 个月前

        That would be an unpopular opinion among most people here, "of course".

          • Maoo [none/use name]
            6 个月前

            The point is in the air quotes, as parent was (and is) being condescending and escalatory rather than engage in a comradely way. My hope was that by pointing out they were being condescending to more than just myself might give them pause and to change the way they were interacting. As you can see, that strategy of mine didn't work lol.

            Your question is about relevance, and I actually agree. That was actually my point in its own less direct way. My grandparent reply was to say they were mischaracterizing a sentiment but the response didn't actually address that, so I drew attention to the misdirection. I think I was unclear about that being the point, though.

        • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
          6 个月前

          Then ask every single Hexbearer what they think and come back to me if you want instead of speaking for everyone.

          Of course.

          • Maoo [none/use name]
            6 个月前

            Do you think these are reasonable responses to the things I'm saying?

            • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
              6 个月前

              Yes. You're literally speaking for the 26k users on Hexbear.

              Nobody really thinks that, like a MAGA communist might say, Trump is somehow "less dangerous" or whatever. Or "at least he's honest" or "reveals the dreck of U.S. imperialism."

              He's done more to radicalize people to the ultra-right than most U.S. Presidents.

              • Maoo [none/use name]
                6 个月前

                The idea that Trump was a less competent imperialist is very popular here. You are straw manning this to mean, "every person who has every registered an account here agrees with me". Do you think this is a reasonable way to approach what I've disagreed with you about?

                Can you state, in your own words, what points I've made?

                • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
                  6 个月前

                  Another thing:

                  I'm asking you to ask 26k users on Hexbear what they think and do some sort of poll before acting like your opinion or viewpoint is the most popular.

                  • Maoo [none/use name]
                    6 个月前

                    Yes, which would be a very silly thing to do and is premised on straw manning what I said. I already directly responded to this, too.

                  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
                    6 个月前

                    Firstly there's only like maybe 3k actual users here.

                    Secondly I've seen this sentiment expressed enough that I can confidently say it's not a wildly unpopular idea at least.

                • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
                  6 个月前

                  "Can you state, in your own words, what points I've made?"

                  Okay, you know what? If you're going to keep editing your comments like this after I reply in order to make it look like I'm not answering your other points then, no, I'm not going to bother.

                  Stop adding things to your comments like that.

                  • Maoo [none/use name]
                    6 个月前

                    I didn't edit my comment... I think that's verifiable in Lemmy's metadata and edit status at least used to show up on the web interface before I began using native mobile clients.

                                • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
                                  6 个月前

                                  Alright, you're right.

                                  I've had several do it to me, but I guess it didn't happen this time.

                                  Regardless, I stand by what I said: he shouldn't be declaring his viewpoints or opinions popular.

                                  And they should stop being argumentative with me whenever we interact with each other; the only time they interact with me is to argue and it's annoying, to the point where I wonder if they're trolling.

                                  Thanks for hearing me out and being patient with me.

                                  Good day. I've already blocked.

                          • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                            6 个月前

                            You are just plainly wrong and making things up. This isn't gaslighting, it's you just making shit up

                      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                        6 个月前

                        Are you getting gangstalked too? I think I saw the same car drive by your house 4 times!

                          • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                            6 个月前

                            a paranoid person being obviously paranoid and me pointing it out isn't "paranoia jacketing"

                            • Egon [they/them]
                              6 个月前

                              I disagree that you can call a person "paranoid" for being defensive online. You should not throw those terms around Willy nilly.

                              • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                                6 个月前

                                How about making up conspiracies of other users editing their comments to confuse and attack you but being hackers in the code who can hide their edits? Saying stuff like “I know it’s you you did this before” to people accusing them of nonsense? That qualify?

                                • Egon [they/them]
                                  6 个月前

                                  No, that's just being very defensive. We shouldn't treat mental diagnosis as insults and we should not insinuate that because someone is weird online that there's something psychiatrically wrong with them

                                  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                                    6 个月前

                                    It’s not defensive to flatly deny evident reality in front of their face. They know how edits look, they are a mod and long time site user. Why are they going around accusing people of editing who don’t have edit symbols? Do they think the site is lying to them and in on the conspiracy?

                                    How am I the one “jacketing” and not them? They are the ones accusing people of absurd things and dramabaiting

                                    • Egon [they/them]
                                      6 个月前

                                      I am not saying that they are not jacketing, I have not spoken about the quality of their behaviour at all. I agree with you that they're being shitty, I just don't think it's cool to do what you did in response.
                                      I don't know why they're being weird about edits that did not happen. I just know that that doesn't warrant implying they're mentally ill

                                      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                                        6 个月前

                                        When someone is plainly disconnected from evidence and reality and digging into a “it’s not me it’s literally everyone else gaslighting me and attacking me and persecuting me” mentality there’s really not much other explanation

                                        • Egon [they/them]
                                          6 个月前

                                          Sure, whatever. I still do not think that justifies doing as you did, which is why I wrote the response that I did.

                                          • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                                            6 个月前

                                            I’ll be real, I just don’t like Pluto and took the opportunity of them being a fucking weirdo to dunk on them. It makes a lot of sense why he’s always complaining about the “Nazbols” taking over hexbear and taking over his org and taking over the internet, I will just say that much

                                            • GinAndJucheM
                                              6 个月前

                                              The only issue was the ableism (using mental illness as a dunk or insult is ableism). I wish we had a word for paranoid that didn’t have those implications but we don’t.

                                              • Egon [they/them]
                                                6 个月前

                                                I was the one to bring up "paranoid" initially, because I don't know what else to call it but "paranoia-jacketing", when you say someone thinks they're being gangstalked.

                                                • GinAndJucheM
                                                  6 个月前

                                                  Agreed, it’s hard with English not having a proper alternative word.

                                                • GinAndJucheM
                                                  6 个月前



                                                  Sure you didn’t bud. I count two.

                                                  Either way, I wasn’t the one who originally removed the comments, I simply agree with the removal. The ableism on this site really should be the next great purge. If only we had a TC69 figure to spearhead it.

                                                  Have a nice day Z poster

                                                  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                                                    6 个月前

                                                    that was in response to them saying it, i was quoting them. I guess I did say the word technically, but I didn't bring it up

                                                    it's zed proclaimer, don't know who this "z poster" is but its just an smear word like "tankie" or "nazbol"

                                                    • GinAndJucheM
                                                      6 个月前

                                                      I was wrong, went ahead and reapproved them because, in my personal understanding, fault would lie with the first to introduce the term. I’ve been a bit on edge with all the ableism lately and jumped the gun after checking the mod log and seeing “it still going”. Apologies.

                                            • Egon [they/them]
                                              6 个月前

                                              Yeah and I don't mind that you dunked I think it was well deserved. I just dislike the ableism inherent in saying "oh I bet you're being gangstalked too huh". I think it's shitty to use signs of mental diagnosis as dunks.

                • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
                  6 个月前

                  "The idea that Trump was a less competent imperialist is very popular here."

                  You don't know that.

                  Ask the 26k people on Hexbear what they think, each one, or don't bother trying to convince me.

                    • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
                      6 个月前

                      Did you notice that I said I wasn't going to reply after you tried to pull that trick?

                      • Maoo [none/use name]
                        6 个月前

                        I suppose I am guilty of disagreeing with you, but why this itself warrants a condemnation is unclear.

                        I'm happy to not continue this particular thread but that does require your participation as well. Throwing barbs on your way out and suggesting I don't respond is not reasonable.

              • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
                6 个月前

                26k users lmao. 26k accounts, of which 90% are dead or banned, and the remaining 10% include tons of alts and duplicates. There's probably like 2000 active users on this site.

      • whogivesashit@lemmygrad.ml
        6 个月前

        Untrue to what degree though? One of his biggest scandals was attempting to refuse military aid to Ukraine in an effort to get dirt on Biden. Ultimately ineffective, but his attempted actions in this scenario prove the point.

        • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
          6 个月前

          He then refocused more efforts on attacking and isolating China head-on, hence the DPRK ordeal.