Stay away from Benadryl, folks.

Kratom is cool if you’re trying to quit opiates or alcohol.

I can’t recommend kava if you don’t live in a place where it’s cheap, but if that isn’t an issue it has reverse tolerance and actually gets more fun the more you use it.

  • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
    6 months ago

    ah well, all things in moderation quokka-smile

    thanks for the nut milk tip, that does sound like an improvement. wish i could access my old email address still so i could figure out what the one kind was i had that really agreed with me. it was kavabyrex, vanuatu something or other but it was forever ago. can't at all remember the last kind i tried but it was from a different place and made me wildly nauseated for hooouurs each of the several times i tried it.