From what i've heard, the relationship of some black leftists to Obama can be ... complicated. Some try to square the circle and view him simultaneously as a complete political disappointment for his actions and as an aspirational figure for his presentation. A lot of black people have a hard time operating in a white supremacist society, they feel a pressure to whitewash themselves and always come off as humble, polite and maximally non-threatening (like using the "white voice" in Sorry to Bother You). And according to this view of him, he completely avoided that "thank you for allowing me to be here" energy, found a way to be proudly black and completely unashamed about it and hyper-professional at the same time. These leftists agree to all of our criticisms of Obama as a neolib war criminal, but they find it incredibly important that a black man could pull off getting elected twice with a public presentation like that. They also seem to be fully aware that this was an act, that, for example, he used to call himself Barry to avoid othering himself with his foreign first name when he was younger and had to cultivate this self-assured personality, they also know that he could only get away with it because he fully served the interests of capital, but they still see him as a role model when it comes to being black in public.
That's the dangers of socially left neoliberalism; The way it embraces all of us regardless of our gender, our skin color, our sexual orientation... as it wraps its chains around our throat and squeezes the rebellion out of us.
If you're not familiar with the history of the Democratic Party, absolutely. It was written just before 2016, so it's largely framed around Hillary Clinton vs Bernie, but it really gets into how the Democratic Party was hijacked by Third Way neoliberals with the Clintons largely at the forefront. I like to recommend it along with Jane Mayer's - Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right because it ties into how moneyed interests backed a lot of the changes. Dark Money gives libs a pass, for the most part, but the Kochs were on the board of the Democratic Leadership Council that fueled Bill Clinton's rise. For the Trifecta, I also recommend Democracy in Chains- The Deep History of the Radical Right because it gets into the history of neoliberalism all the way up to when the father of neoliberalism connects with the Koch Brothers.
Thanks for sharing that, actually. If we couldn't unload among our comrades, they'd have to learn to be better comrades. Not wanting to do the typical mayo thing here and make everything about me, but as a trans woman i find a lot of that really relatable. Presentation and authenticity is already such a cursed subject in a society like ours were everything is performance, everyone is on display and everybody is expected to be a brand. And when our true selves are something that's been buried under layers upon layers of ideology and oppression, when the world was made for people unlike you, people unlike me, these contradictions you mention make it that much harder to move beyond all the masquerade and spectacle. It becomes such a long march to learn who we really are and how we want to relate to our fellow human beings.
This is the magic squared circle of neocolonial oppression. Forget Obama, Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court, a wholly unelected body with effectively unlimitable power, and is writing opinions the consequences of which would nullify his own marriage if taken to their logical conclusion. That's the same as Ellen DeGeneres being friends with George Bush. Legal marriage equality, no amount of legal rights actually matter to you materially when you're in the club that almost no one is in.
In short, more people need to at least skim the first few chapters of Night Vision
They love him so much that he can’t get them to vote for his candidates? And black voter participation has significantly decreased every election cycle? I’ll go with real data over workroom hearsay.
From what i've heard, the relationship of some black leftists to Obama can be ... complicated. Some try to square the circle and view him simultaneously as a complete political disappointment for his actions and as an aspirational figure for his presentation. A lot of black people have a hard time operating in a white supremacist society, they feel a pressure to whitewash themselves and always come off as humble, polite and maximally non-threatening (like using the "white voice" in Sorry to Bother You). And according to this view of him, he completely avoided that "thank you for allowing me to be here" energy, found a way to be proudly black and completely unashamed about it and hyper-professional at the same time. These leftists agree to all of our criticisms of Obama as a neolib war criminal, but they find it incredibly important that a black man could pull off getting elected twice with a public presentation like that. They also seem to be fully aware that this was an act, that, for example, he used to call himself Barry to avoid othering himself with his foreign first name when he was younger and had to cultivate this self-assured personality, they also know that he could only get away with it because he fully served the interests of capital, but they still see him as a role model when it comes to being black in public.
That's the dangers of socially left neoliberalism; The way it embraces all of us regardless of our gender, our skin color, our sexual orientation... as it wraps its chains around our throat and squeezes the rebellion out of us.
Thomas Frank did a good piece for his book Listen, Liberal: Or Whatever Happened the the Party of the People? back in 2015 about neoliberalism, feminism, and Clinton. It's a good read. Here's the excerpt. Nor a Lender Be: Hillary Clinton, liberal virtue, and the cult of the microloan
As always the revolution will not be televised
Not for more than one season, at least. Damnation
that was a very communist show
It was so freaking good. We really should be memeing it into popularity as agitprop.
God damn!
It's on Netflix. Enjoy.
edit: And elsewhere
Just added it to my watch list, we need more shows showing the history of American labor and strikebreaking.
Add Black Sails on there too, if you haven't seen it. Season 1 is super horny, but once you get through that, Season 2 and beyond gets revolutionary.
I'll need to take a look then, I always hated Starz content for being an even hornier version of HBO
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another book on my shelf that I need to make the time to read
You'll get some good info out of it. It's a pretty quick read. And since you're already here, it doesn't need to convince you of anything.
I have a 2 week tour coming up with my band and have 4 books to bring. Should I make this a fifth?
If you're not familiar with the history of the Democratic Party, absolutely. It was written just before 2016, so it's largely framed around Hillary Clinton vs Bernie, but it really gets into how the Democratic Party was hijacked by Third Way neoliberals with the Clintons largely at the forefront. I like to recommend it along with Jane Mayer's - Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right because it ties into how moneyed interests backed a lot of the changes. Dark Money gives libs a pass, for the most part, but the Kochs were on the board of the Democratic Leadership Council that fueled Bill Clinton's rise. For the Trifecta, I also recommend Democracy in Chains- The Deep History of the Radical Right because it gets into the history of neoliberalism all the way up to when the father of neoliberalism connects with the Koch Brothers.
Library Genesis: Thomas Frank - Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?
Thanks much!
Welcome! Let me know what you think, if you do read it!
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Thanks for sharing that, actually. If we couldn't unload among our comrades, they'd have to learn to be better comrades. Not wanting to do the typical mayo thing here and make everything about me, but as a trans woman i find a lot of that really relatable. Presentation and authenticity is already such a cursed subject in a society like ours were everything is performance, everyone is on display and everybody is expected to be a brand. And when our true selves are something that's been buried under layers upon layers of ideology and oppression, when the world was made for people unlike you, people unlike me, these contradictions you mention make it that much harder to move beyond all the masquerade and spectacle. It becomes such a long march to learn who we really are and how we want to relate to our fellow human beings.
This is the magic squared circle of neocolonial oppression. Forget Obama, Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court, a wholly unelected body with effectively unlimitable power, and is writing opinions the consequences of which would nullify his own marriage if taken to their logical conclusion. That's the same as Ellen DeGeneres being friends with George Bush. Legal marriage equality, no amount of legal rights actually matter to you materially when you're in the club that almost no one is in.
In short, more people need to at least skim the first few chapters of Night Vision
Very fair point that I didn't consider.
Yeah I was going to say this seems somewhat realistic lol
Yeah…. No. No black person under 50 gives a fuck about Obama. Don’t know where you “heard” that.
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Internet weirdos don’t count
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They love him so much that he can’t get them to vote for his candidates? And black voter participation has significantly decreased every election cycle? I’ll go with real data over workroom hearsay.
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