This news piece seemed to have been skipped over by Hexbear. Democrat governor of New York sends in the National Guard to make the subway "safer"

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    6 months ago

    Sorry, misread the comment.

    Yeah, they were just there to scare people. Everyone was already ready to fight the cops so they needed bigger cops. Americans don't know anything about the military. They saw MRAPs rolling around with no guns on them and thought they were tanks. All they know is "us amry invincible", there no actual knowledge or critical understanding.theoretically there was someone somewhere with a bunch of ammo but they weren't going to hand it to random pukes with even less training than normal us soldiers unless shit actually got to a point where they wanted to kill a whole lot of people

    Original comment; Yes, they're literally there to intimidate people. They're doing "bag checks". They're lining up a bunch of two weekends a month amateur soldiers in the subways to look in people's bags for knives or evidence that they're black or something. They're not there to police unrest or crush an insurrection, they're glorified hall monitors because sometimes there are assaults on the subway.

    What is a guy with an assault rifle, no police training, and no arrest powers going to do if someone starts hitting people on a submay?

    They're being sent to stand around so people who have a mythologized view of people in us army uniforms will think something is being done to " those people" who are being scary on the subway.