Yesterday I called you lame and one of the weakest groups because you've been scattering and getting repeatedly mashed by the same tactics night after night for a while.

You're still struggling with those charges, but tonight was very cool and I should apologise for that. I'm sorry.

Post tactics in this thread for helping deter/preventing police charges or something I don't know.

EDIT: I just got told ! exists. Go and subscribe to it!

EDIT2: Multiple molotovs thrown in this video

Edit3: Smart initial retreat. What this doesn't show is the moment it breaks up due to police charge though.

Edit4: This shit is cool. can be ordered on ebay under the name "tree stump remover", credit to @SenoraRaton.

Edit5: Read this thread and make lots of these

  • cacophony4ever [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I don't know if this would be useful or not, but in the event that a photo makes it out there that's incriminating and has someone's face on it...

    Using a GACNN to replace all the faces on the photo (bonus points if you train it exclusively with photos of cops) and spam them all over the internet. I don't think it would be enough to try to convince them that the person in the doctored photos was the real lawbreaker, but it might create enough uncertainty and doubt around the original picture for them to claim that that one ISN'T doctored.