I’ve been working through all the games my parents never let me play as a kid using emulators. The idea for this post was inspired by blitz: the league. A dark and gritty American football arcade style game. It features steroids, corruption, and to the modern audience disgusting emphasis on dirty hits and injury. The injuries are emphasized through rewarding the player and mortal kombat style xrays.

It is not without humor (sending sex workers to the away team’s hotel before a game is a feature in the sequel iirc). The gameplay is fun enough and it’s really funny how mad the nfl got because despite the deep flaws it correctly pointed out the corruption.

Final score: “hey dude sniff this milk”/10.

  • fetted [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    On a sort of opposite note I was replaying destroy all humans 2 recently expecting a lot of it to have aged like milk especially the humor (in the case of the insanely racist japan level this is true) but there was this one level in the UK( seriously why is it always the fucking UK) in which there is an individual who wishes to transition into a woman, as soon as I hit that mission I was like, oh boy here we fucking go. Kinda surprised how it turned out, basically you help someone amab transition into a woman, and then her terf ass wife leaves her because she transitioned and crypto is basically like "what a bitch", and it ends. I was only disappointed I didn't get to vaporize the terf, but other than it really stood out to me that crypto didn't ridicule her for being trans at any point and it was borderline supportive, especially when he shits on literally every single other person in the game he interacts with.

    • DespiteAllMyWage [des/pair]
      3 years ago

      Holy shit, this kinda response is like a best case scenario I imagined when making the thread. Thanks.

      I spent sooooo many hours on the free demo level for the first one from a magazine disc. I always heard the second was better but based on the humor from the first assumed CHUDSHIT for one set during peak hippy era.

      Wholesome/10 let’s use a ray gun to give Brit’s diarrhea

    • Glass [he/him,they/them]
      3 years ago

      The Austin Powers-ass music that plays every time you use the free love power to make people start dancing lives in my head to this day

    • SaniFlush [any, any]
      3 years ago

      Apparently the remake of Destroy All Humans 1 altered Cryptosporidium's lines in the abduction tutorial so he isn't casually making a joke about molesting the humans.

    • Azarova [they/them]
      3 years ago

      you help someone amab transition into a woman, and then her terf ass wife leaves her because she transitioned and crypto is basically like “what a bitch”, and it ends.

      alien dudes rock :posad:

    • Redcuban1959 [any]
      3 years ago

      crypto didn’t ridicule her for being trans at any point and it was borderline supportive, especially when he shits on literally every single other person in the game he interacts with.

      Chad Cryptosporidium-138?!

      Yeah, this game have a really cool gameplay and coop mode. The rest of the game is full of parody jokes about the 60's, Hippies, Japan, Soviet Russia and sex.

      The Trotsky joke is funny tho.

    • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The remake of 2 comes out at the end of the month, and I'm a vibrating ball of nostalgia about it.