Severe trigger warning for trans comrades and decent humans
as a Filipino it sucks that such a friendly, kind and welcoming people are represented by this transphobic, hateful dickhead
It may be odd but when I was a teen i played a bunch of Ragnarok Online. I lived in Hawaii so the timezone matched up with alot of people in the Philippines. I've forgotten all the Tagalog i picked up but the kindness was apparantly even overthe internet. It was so neat to me at the time chatting with people in the net cafes there, that experience helped me get into Kali/Escrima too.
Love to you comrade!
Jesus Christ, the more I hear about this Duterte prick the worse it gets. Also all these people celebrating this are the same people who keep saying 'All Lives Matter' aren't they?
Chiming in as a mildly informed Filipino to say he's an absolutely corrupt piece of shit. He has a classic old school neoliberal approach to being "tough on crime" which gets him some fans if you don't pay attention but he's been homophobic and transphobic and shitty for years
it sucks because his party is called “Laban” which roughly translates to “to fight against” and their logo is a fist
My partners mom is living with us since she got stuck in the us when covid happened. Last time duterte came up she just said “he just doesn’t like drug dealers, He doesn’t care you don’t do drugs”. I guess we can also add being trans to that list.