For those unaware of the totality of our goals this year:


What hick-up there have been were from self-serious people unaware of just how much opportunity actually laid before them, due to their lack of investigation. This is a drop in monthly donations via liberapay and patreon on an unfounded basis of "unprincipled behavior" Sungmanitu is accused of. This accusation comes from the IACI due to Sungmanitu following the proper procedures in handling disagreements (that they have yet to post the procedures we agreed to, and prefer to tell you orally so they can leave out convenient details), that they then project PlantsFanon's uncomradely and liberal attitudes to protect egos. "You have to admit that he played you like a fool" was what was said to me, as if they were unaware they are the ones vouching for him. At any rate, he went on to call me anti-science for having a critical position on nuclear (I am pro nuclear and we expect half the building if not all to be paid for by nuclear engineers lol Ideally we will use micro reactors but thats a lot of red tape, research, and democratic struggling).

Upon seeing the anti-science BS, I saw it for what it was, a colonial canard to distract from the actual criticism be leveed just as they did at TMT (Mauna Kea) and countless other places, Indigenous people had stolen and poisoned. The actual issue at hand however was about Plants willful and ignorant representation of Lenin wrt to the colonial question, and the policy of korenizatsiia (which was primarily written by Stalin, based on Stalins work, and implemented and not reinforced by everyone but Lenin who had suffered 2 strokes by the time it was instituted. I only write these first paragraphs to explain what we have not addressed officially (mainly waiting for the finished website which should be out by summer) rather than continue that drama groups drama, I should self crit for supporting them as long as I did, however part of my allying with them was to get to the root of their intentions in the larger movement which seems far more driven by clout than education but thats my opinion :)

Due to the position we have actually trying to determine energy policy in NDN country already, we felt we had to take a principled stand due to being called in by the communities we serve and are far better and more useful allies than podcasters and streamers with barely an audience. SO I will admit our decision was clout motivated, but it never had to be a public debacle as it was made by them (plants decided to vague post as he is known to do). Our clout is built on serious people, who actually take revolution serious, but want people to still be human beings as we discuss these things and understand people aren't perfect. Those complaints aside we are excited to announce that we have launched the food forest program, that will hit 4 primary objectives: 1)feed the people 2)return biodiversity 3)Stop desertfication 4)build community 2 and 3 are almost the same in so far as our plant to stop desertification is also one that returns biodiversity, but honestly we would say all 4 fit under the first and or better yet: landback. Our argument is simple, slogans are only slogans until you can materially back them. Therefore landback is a quicker way to say Peace Land and Bread if you want it to be, so why not make it so?


On their way from the South East to the Great Plains, a storm had been coming to meet them. Now many would see this as a set back, they saw it as a willing companion preparing the ground for the work ahead. Being forced to stop in Valentine Nebraska, they wondered around one of the nearest bordertowns to Rosebud reservation. They brought an entire food forest, tons of hand sanitizer, and has they stopped picked up a small library to help with the work that we showed above



These folks were really great about their opsec and remaining underground, but they see the same need we do, a need for the aboveground part of the movement to make moves to invent the future now. Because of this they are willing going to film the first hand accounts of the project, we will be doing a podcast interview with them, and ideally showcasing this stuff on streams. It is really an honor and a pleasure to have put this network together. We are trying to get to 2500-3000 a month to provide 500 stipends to field organizers to carry out their work in ways we dont have to oversee (a stipend is a good enough description for tax and disclosure purposes, helps keep specifics to entrusted circles) we have 8 candidates already we think could replicate everything we are doing and more where they are: the thing instead of supporting podcasts like ours people prefer bonus episodes. At any rate we are also in the middle of increasing the amount of content to make patreon more tantalizing to people who want more leftist content from us.

With all that said we look forward to sharing more of what we are doing, showing how much so little has accomplished already, and proving the major parties and thought leaders could be doing more: they are choosing not to

  • flan [they/them]
    6 months ago

    I'll be honest I have no idea what you're talking about because I haven't been following along. I see goal 1 is buying a shipping container in Toronto and then shipping it to South Dakota. Why not buy a shipping container in SD?

    • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
      6 months ago

      IIRC, the idea was to buy the shipping container and fill it with a fuckload of firewood up in Canada and haul it over the border because it is significantly cheaper to get it there than in the states, and that way it's also only one trip.

    • ChunkaLutaNetwork [comrade/them, they/them]
      6 months ago

      To ship aid from a place to access to more, to a place to access to little, which enables th establishment of logistical capabilities and strategizing. Why buy an empty container when you can by a containers for 2/3 the price and fill with things you dont have access too via other connections