
  • Equeon [he/him]
    4 年前

    I agree that Trump can certainly be portrayed as a real overblown bogeyman. But reading your comment in full makes me feel like we've been living in different United States from each other for the past four years.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      4 年前

      The biggest event the fascists have ever had was Charlottesville and it took them months and months of organisation and mobilisation to achieve. It was the potential start of real centralised european style movement building for them. Then some guy ran over a bunch of people, killed their entire image and put an end to it as soon as it began. They have been utterly incapable of mobilising much since.

      Compare it to the left. Infrastructure to actually mobilise thousands of people when necessary. The ability to actually get people to show up.

      A handful of fascists showing up and looking mean with guns in opposition.

      Go visit their communities. They're extremely demoralised right now because they see the left, see its ability to mobilise, see its infrastructure and organisers, and they have no fucking idea how to oppose it. They're scared and sad and only a tiny TINY percent of them are actually willing to die for their ideology. The rest are noise machines and online memeing with no real desire to do anything at all in the streets. Watch any interviews with even the militia chuds that have shown up to things. They don't want to get shot. They enjoy their militia stuff but they're not down for a war AT ALL.

      Don't get me wrong, there's a few groups that are legit dangerous, Proud Boys etc. But they're fucking tiny and nobody should be blowing this up into some enormous boogieman. Look at things in individuality. Especially given the anarcho-fascist construction of their useless movement.

      The real threat from them right now is a potential pivot into becoming a cult movement through Q. Then they would centrally organise through a form of proto-religious zealotry and Q "sermons".