If I had to guess it's likely some racist brainworms relating fruit street vendors with Latin American countries, unlike the checks notes all other non-ethnic street vendors like hot dogs or halal carts.
Probably some transplant pretending to a concerned New Yorker. Fruit stands have always been a thing in NYC and almost always belong to people of color.
Moves to one of the few cultured, decent spots in Amerikkka
"Yo WTF!? Where's the tater tots! I DEMAND A RIGHT TO IGNORANCE!"
Ma'am, if you're wealthy enough to move to NYC and hate its superior culture, please move back to the boonies and let someone who actually wants to flee the boonies have a chance at living there.
I'm so confused, like were there not always street vendors or is it just that it's fruit, do they just hate tajin, seriously wtf does this mean
If I had to guess it's likely some racist brainworms relating fruit street vendors with Latin American countries, unlike the checks notes all other non-ethnic street vendors like hot dogs or halal carts.
Probably some transplant pretending to a concerned New Yorker. Fruit stands have always been a thing in NYC and almost always belong to people of color.
Ma'am, if you're wealthy enough to move to NYC and hate its superior culture, please move back to the boonies and let someone who actually wants to flee the boonies have a chance at living there.
I like my fruit wrapped up in sanitary, safe plastic thank you very much!