Lol, imagine insisting that Poland is a bastion for human rights.
Everything good in this world, we fought for tooth and nail. The West has no long term memory, we forget this easily.
"Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners." In that sense, they're absolutely right.
"beating heart of human freedom" is an interesting way to spell "servile reactionary regimes begging to be let off the leash by their master"
That just makes them sound cute. Like a pack of chihuahuas on leashes itching to bite.
Realizing that this is just terminal interventionist brain. If you've talked yourself into believing that any negative trait of an established government is casus belli for raining hellfire on the population, then it stands to reason that you need to insist that populations you don't want to slaughter are ruled by governments which are perfect in every way.
I don’t have a link handy (but it should come up from searching) but Lithuania began investigating Holocaust survivors as “traitors” from 2005 onwards
I really do not understand the ideological divide, here. If I'm your typical central European reactionary, why am I so vehemently anti-Russian and pro-US? If we're simply speaking about what's in my best economic interests, Russia has access to the natural resources I need and ideologically they're nearly identical. Is it leftover enmity towards the USSR? Most of these people aren't even old enough to remember the Soviet Union.
Fascism doesn't have to make sense, it's pure affectation.
Eastern European fascists were kept down by the communist governments which is perfect fuel for their martyr fantasies. And the communists were not real Poles/Latvians/etc., they were evil foreign Russians (and/or Jews) so that's why they hate Russia.
They love America for supporting them back when they were being "persecuted", for supporting them now and for being Russia's main enemy.
Because they are usa puppet states indoctrinating there populations, and as was mentioned earlier, fascism doesn't have to make sense
The US will bankroll you and your stooges damn near no questions asked if you just sign away the country to them. Pretty good deal. Russia probably can't make those same deals, and tbh they get clowned on by Hollywood year after year. Do you want to be associated with the designated Hollywood bad guy or the based (not cringe) office Jim CIA LARPers?
The Witcheroo is my favorite book i really like Geraldine
Grenadine Ravioli is my favourite fictional sex-haver :comfy-cool:
Weren't most/all of the Witcher stories written and published in the 80s in Soviet Poland, and much less reactionary than contemporary western fantasy series?
It's about a Polish guy who never wants to work, who never gets paid, complaining that the world is morally grey and demanding to not have to pick a side.
Extremely Polish
No clue. I've only ever heard the opposite about him, but never looked into him myself.
Latvia banned Katyusha
!remindMe to scream out Katyusha at the Latvian Embassy in Johannesburg, while wearing the USSR flag as a cape time :whenever I move back
:add the latvia-cool emoji you lib:
I feel like I hit my head too hard sometime this month and I'm now in a surreal fever dream resembling reality, because there is no fucking way NAFO is an actual thing and not a joke
The Economist wrote an article on them, so they're real now
Well the CIA can make memes by fiat, no matter how trash or lame they are. We knew that already after 9/11