Also I wanna note the mods act like criticism of mod action matters, like, what, they're gonna get :vote: d out or something? I really don't understand how even the mildest criticism of anything sends them :mao-aggro-shining: like lmao literally causing more problems that way.


Also before my ban I wanna note: there's now no !, which means all current posters are posting scabs

edit: I'm loggin' out, good night to all y'all :rat-salute-2:

  • AllTheseWreckers [she/her]
    2 years ago

    You're probably right, it's just hard for me to not obsess over things in general, and especially so when I feel like I have been treated wrongly

    • Zodiark [he/him]
      2 years ago

      You should get the opinions of the chapo users who did not cross over from reddit on r/Blackwolffeed about this site, (like ohmiglob or werbreder) or the Chapo discord if you're looking for other online communities. And then take a break from this site altogether for a week or four.

      All your observations about biases or conflict might be completely false or true. But it is irrelevant, for posting is not praxis. Creating a safe space for leftists online, through discord, redditesque sites, is more of a refuge from neoliberal reactionary media bombardment rather than a nexus for networking , organizing, or being informed. This place is for catharsis or respite, and even then it's not something you should saturate yourself into.

      If you must be here, then Lurk, as I do, and comment occasionally. It really is not worth your psychological wellbeing to feud with other people online. Very few people are bullied into "you know what, you're right. I'm sorry" in online discussions. Nearly everyone just doubles down and counters with "no, you!".

      I say this with no hostility or malice, but: Find more productive ways for your time. Or other ways to enjoy yourself. End of the world or not, cataclysm or Utopia, communist society or neoliberal techno-capitalist dystopia, you only have one life to live. So be sure to at least strive for happiness and meaning within that time frame you have and not be in the habit of being consumed by ephemeral and virtual disputes.