• Lib: China bad
  • Actual leftist: It's not that simple and you're being lied to.
  • Lib: ok but China still bad
  • Actual leftist: Here are some sources to read up on.
  • Lib: ugh don't make me research, it's probably propaganda, and anyway, let me reiterate my point--China bad
  • mrbigcheese [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Whats absolutely wild is that people don't know the Epoch Times is owned by Falun Gong and thats where the sources about organ harvesting originate from, and that Falun Gong made these exact same claims a few years ago and the US department of state even put out a press release after going to China to investigate that said there is no basis to any of these claims and they couldn't find any evidence of such things happening. its like our collective memories just get wiped every 10 years and we're perpetually stuck in this never ending cycle that everyone always falls for insisting that THIS time it has to be true.

    This article details the problems with the organ harvesting sources

    This video goes over the problems with Falun Gong